Sunday, May 12, 2019

Marvin Eder on His Training - 1969

Marvin Eder was born Oct. 22, 1931.

It is rather difficult to describe to the reader, in any one encounter, how I trained specifically and in detail. The detail lies in the fact that during the period when I was active in weightlifting I trained in every conceivable manner. There was no exercise, or combination of exercises that escaped my willing efforts. 

Olympic lifting in conjunction with bodybuilding, liberally interwoven with bar work, made up a large part of my training program. As a matter of fact I labored at partial movements as well as full range ones, employing cheating methods as well as strict performance. In some of the strictest forms I was strapped to a pole to enforce absolute rigidity without any motion. 

At other times I raced against the clock, barely having any time to breathe between sets, and this sometimes was counterbalanced with other sessions that afforded as much as 20 minutes of rest between sets.

Perhaps this hodge-podge, this veritable deluge of myriad workouts will confuse and frighten away the fledgling weightlifter. There is, however, no need to flee in disgust or to seek hidden knowledge from false prophets. There existed one unmistakable trend through all the years of my training, and this paramount feature marked my every workout: Ultimate and maximum exertion was the trademark of all my training. 

 I guess the best way to impart my method of training for exact reference would be to relate one particular training routine. This training program was distinguished by its use of dumbbells in a very special manner. The same pair of dumbbells, that weighed 120-pounds apiece, were used throughout the whole workout. 

I commenced the workout by doing seated presses for 5 sets, and doing between 10 and 15 presses. I then went on to curl them, still in seated position, from 5 to 8 times and repeated that for 5 sets. The supine (flat bench) press was next in line, doing between 15 and 20 repetitions for another 5 sets. From here I went to the lat machine, and while utilizing a very wide grip I pulled the bar down behind my neck using 370 pounds and gradually decreased the poundage to 300, doing approximately 8 reps and repeating it for 5 sets. Next came the dumbbell triceps curls with the same 120-pounders while in a supine position, which I repeated for 5 sets and averaged 8 reps per set. 

The aforementioned procedure constituted the upper body portion of my training which I alternated with the lower body the following day. I started the lower body program by doing 5 sets of parallel squats and fluctuating with poundage from 350 to 475 pounds while doing 10 reps per set. The calves were worked next by having a training partner sit on my back (donkey calf raise) while resting the ball of the feet on a four inch block, then raising up high on the toes. High reps were usually followed and were especially productive for stimulating growth. Unusual attention was paid to making sure that full extension and contraction of the calves was achieved. The midsection came next and was worked for 5 sets of 10 with legs bent while on a very high incline and using 50 pounds for resistance. 

Of course, this training regime was only one of the many I went through and profited by.

I have always maintained a belief that only a certain type of training would have lasting benefits and create fundamental changes to one's body. This belief or guide can be stated as follows: 

Training for development AND power concurrently would achieve these so-called lasting factors. My hypothesis is based upon many years of training of which I am the principle example of my belief. I use myself as proof of my contentions in all humility. Can there be any finer evidence supporting my theory than if my own body were put to the test of critical and glaring scrutiny? 

I offer as proof a photograph taken at about the same time this article was written (above). I further state that I have not engaged in any serious training for about 10 years prior to writing this article and having this photo taken. Now, draw your own conclusions. 

A note for the reader: 

I am still capable of cleaning and pressing 285 pounds! 

That's evidence of lasting power, is it not?      

1 comment:

  1. An extremely powerful man! Truly incredible..


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