Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas - giveitaname (2024)


Be wary of what you wish for on Christmas Eve.

There'll always be Murphy's Law, 
the unknown consequence
epiphanies too late, and that post-
dated realization absurd. . . so
Play safe out there, okay?  


  1. Merry Christmas. Calories do not count on Christmas Day. Just don't make it the Twelve Days of Christmas. That Epiphany (when you have to let your belt out a notch) will take all of January to remedy.

  2. Happy Chrimble (and Happy Boxing Day), from an arthritic USAian and lifelong Beatles' fan.

    Best Wishes for another New Year of slinging iron.

  3. Metry Xmass all and especialy creator of this sensational blogspot!


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