Monday, May 8, 2023

The Buzzing of Time Flies

I had two or so weeks off work without pay, the usual deal between semesters where I'm working. Managed to not retain much memory of it at all very nicely, except for the last two days. Mission . . .  Accomplished! 

Anyhow . . . hope you're all hangin' in and holding on. 

I plan to get started on a new post, as soon as I foam roll my fingers. 
Hey, 70 on the 31st and still half-alive! 


  1. Calculating loosely (directly due to the age-loosened screws in my 67-on-the-30th-of-June head), averaging 4 workouts per week for 55 years since you were age 15 (althoooough...were you actually ever age 15? Was I ?? I can't clearly remember what happened as recently as age 55, so I can't prove it), and deducting for "why-the-fuck-didn't-I-learn-the-last-time-and-stop-the-set-when-I-felt-that-sharp-pain-?, you could also express your age as "10,000 workouts old".


    1. Yeah Joe! We're pretty much the same bozos when it comes to this thing, hahaha. Age expressed as number of workouts . . . that's a keeper. I remember things fine still, but not "when" they happened. "Who ate all the potato salad! It was full yesterday!" And of course it was four days before that I checked and can't remember when. Aging's one helluva challenge, ain't it!

  2. Glad you enjoyed vacation and Happy Birthday! I'll be 67 soon and I still try to do every other day. (But I don't feel as guilty if I miss anymore). But hey next time you take off let us know! I've been worried for two weeks!

    1. You got it, Jan! I felt something missing there too, a wee hole in me.


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