Sunday, February 18, 2024

Mike Karchut Peaking Routine - Tom Leuthner (1975)


From this issue, July, 1975. The covers on this mag are Outstanding! 

Thanks to Greg for this! 

Over the last three years Mike has developed a carefully planned routine which has been used quite successfully by a growing number of lifters. It is based on an eight week cycle with all training poundages computed in terms of percentages of reasonable target weights to be achieved at the end of the cycle or contest (not the most the athlete hopes to achieve). 

For instance, Mike with best lifts of 158.8/350 and 197.3/435 targeted 152/335 and 190.5/420 for the 1975 USA Championships. For his first peak of the season, he aims for about 136.1/300 and 172.4/380. 

Just about all the lifters who've had a routine planned by Mike feel that the light days are too light and the heavy days too few initially, but the schedule is deceptive on paper and few complain of underwork after three or four weeks on the system. 

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are always light days (60-70% of targets) while Thursday and Saturday are alternately light and heavy. It's essential that on the light days all lifts are done with maximum explosion and concentration, and that the lifter avoid simply going through the motions. The productiveness of the routine hinges on this point and this is the hidden factor that, if it is adhered to, makes the routine much more demanding than it appears at first glance 

The following table gives the maximum percentages used in each exercise each day of the cycle. The percentages for all snatch-related movements are in terms of the target snatch, likewise for the clean & jerk. Back squat percentages are in terms of near-maximum squat of about 120% of the target clean & jerk. 


After warmup, details of each day's training are as follows: 


1) Power snatch from blocks (PS) (8" high) - 5 sets of 3 with 60%.
2) Snatch deadlift (SDL), floor to knee height - 5 x 3 with 70%.
3) Back squat (BS), strict up and down - 5 x 5 working from 60-70% in equal jumps. 

1) Jerk from rack (J) - 10 sets of 3 with 65%. 


1) Power clean from floor (PC) - 5 x 3 with 60%.
2) Clean pull on rack (CP), from knee height - 5 x 3 with 60%. 


1) Full snatch from floor (SN) - 5 singles from 60% to listed figure. 
2) Power snatch from blocks (PS) - 5 x 3 working from 60% to listed figure in more or less equal jumps. (Mike is very strong from the blocks and on his heavy day made 136/300 for 3 repetitions, all caught above parallel.
3) Snatch deadlift (SDL) - 5 x 3 working from 60% to listed figure in more or less equal jumps. 
4) Back squat (BS) - 5 x 3 working from 60% to listed figure in equal jumps. 


1) 1 clean (full) and 3 jerks - 5 x 3, working from 60% to listed figure. 
2) 3 cleans (all from floor) - 5 x 3, working from 60% to listed figure. 

Mike has found it difficult to gain enough weight to compete on equal terms in this respect with the other top mid-heavies, so it is of some interest to sketch his usual day's intake while attempting to gain. 

Breakfast - 
V8 juice, protein drink containing 4-6 eggs, 2 cups milk, soya protein powder (3/4 cup). 

Lunch - 
13 oz. can white tuna in water, bread, milk. 

Dinner - 
2 lbs. steak, vegetables, fruit, milk.

During day - 
Cottage cheese (1 lb. carton), yogurt, orange juice, milk, peanuts, fruit. 

Enjoy Your Lifting! 

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