Sunday, February 25, 2024

Hyping the Head to Reach GTO - Denie

From this issue. 
Quite a nameplate:
The Powerful Adventure of Dan Lurie's Muscle Training Illustrated! 
Hey, no insult there, I bought this issue when it first came out. 


Here's a taste of "Psycho Blast" by Denie. I had a copy and it wound up in the bin . . . no worries . . . this gives us a taste of his weird bodybuilding writing style. What language is this guy speaking? Nah, it's a good read and shows perfectly how Mr. Walter chose to write articles and books. The one on the bench press is very strangely constructed fun as well. Me calling his training articles strange is a lot like the pot calling the kettle black . . . 

No matter, check out some external stuff on the Golgi Tendon Organ, then read/listen to Denie Walter do his thing . . . 


Training in "Psycho-Blast" form means training until you reach GTO. In the Q&A portion which ran in the last issue of MTI, the name "Golgi Tendon Organ" (GTO) was introduced. And it was noted that the Golgi Tendon Organ immediately shuts off a muscle contraction when the tension threshold is reached . . . or the muscle stress is transferred to the tendon.

Many trainers overlook this . . . these are the "ironheads" who train for pain, rather than stimulation, the momentum boys, and excessive cheaters. And, in truth the way they work the muscle GTO is never truly reached to begin with.

True GTO can only be reached with total control of the muscle, and intense concentration. GTO is the highest and most critical stimulation state geared to maximum set performance, and only "will power" can get you there. 

Hyping your head to reach GTO can be even more potent using "psyching techniques," which I'll touch on shortly. Let me inject this note on "will power" early on . . . "Motivation is related to emotion." 

First a more accurate look at the GTO. (If you go to GTO carefully each time you train a bodypart, size and strength follow rapidly). 

GTO interplay is different from motor neuron stimulation. GTO units are detectors of stress rather than activators. GTO directs stress of tension applied to the muscle tendon at contraction or stretch receptors . . . they operate on a subconscious level. No conscious control can deactivate them.

Operating at a subconscious level, no sensory feeling is evident at all. The pain or fatigue in a muscle is in the muscle, not the tendon. Only damage to a tendon transmits pain, after the damage is incurred.    

GTO's . . . 

. . . not THOSE GTO's you idiot! But feel free to "contact one of the stage hands" about bookings anyhow. 

GTO's lay within the muscle's tendon, and just beyond the muscle fibers where they bond into the tendon. 10 to 15 muscle fibers are connected in series with each Golgi Tendon Organ . . . 


. . . that's the best older illustration I can find. It'd  fit a few Lovecraft novels real nicely if large enough. Don't know about you but I for one don't ever wanna walk out into the barn and see this thing waitin' for me in the dark. My muscles would a-tremble, backbone grow soft as I was sucked into and processed through the being's digestive tract. I'll pass for now and get one of the hired hands to check out that eerie sound emanating from the oddly lit barn. Do these things from other worlds bring their own TP? Best stock up. 

Where was he, where was Denie? Ah, yes . . . 

10 to 15 muscle fibers are connected in series with each "Golgi Tendon Organ" of the many located in any one tendon. There are thousands of muscle fibers making up each muscle system. 

Yes-yes, these beings from distant worlds posing as our muscles in order to control our movements and parasitically live on us until they drain all precious bodily fluids, leaving only a husk of humanity, which likely can't be much worse than the regular full and healthy version. Our tissues vaporized in a chemical system relaying the desired lode to the Mother Ship. They do it all for the free TP, I am told. Which certainly explains that whole Covid-era fiasco that took place when the Star-People overdid it, got overzealous and almost blew their cover. 

Damn it! Denie? Hello? Come in . . . copy that . . . asap . . . for the love of the gods please continue before we're all non-existent again at the "hands" of the Golgi Organ Beings from Planet Zuluu with three U's. 

Hang on, Buddy. The illustrations that accompany a Denie article shouldn't be missed, and so says Mike Ashley, now-disembodied and floating about somewhere in the old neosphere, still smiling that big smile and bouncin' the memory of them pecs as though they were again part of some form of physical world . . . 

Folks, spare your tears, for it's not the drugs that are killing off overzealous bodybuilders . . . IT'S THE GOB'S . . . GOLGI ORGAN BEINGS! Living in the cord of our spine, branching out to all skeletal muscles, feasting on human flesh and eliminating the waste in areas unexpected . . . patiently waiting for some dog to step in it, so there IS justice after all you canine types. So there. Of course, time will pass as it always does when trying to create an illusion of movement/change for us human fool/tools here on Earth. Dogs will become incensed and offended, mistakenly blaming we humans for their filthy detritus-coated paws, large barks of militarism spewing from their incisor-heavy maws, the world we once knew as new, no longer as it was and where in hell is Denie! 

"Hey, Hi There! Let's continue."

 Generally, when these muscle fibers fail to contract because of overload of exhaustion of stress . . . the tendon-bonding materials start to stretch. GTO kicks in feedback to the brain. The muscle is turned off or totally relaxed to protect the overtaxed fibers from tearing. 

A GTO circuit only affects the individual muscle it's connected to . . . whereas specific motor neurons which tell a muscle what to do can activate other neurons of other muscles. 

This is important, since the GTO cuts off the muscle in use entirely when fatigued . . . therefore the trainer may pull other muscles into the action, which for our purposes is a waste of energy. This is going to be momentum, or cheating, etc., and also is why so many trainers under stress pull tendons or irritate them. 

When GTO "cuts in" (the muscle stops due to fatigue; you should stop, in isolated or restricted exercises), it's time for the training to "cut out." 

We're dealing of course with fractions of seconds here and extremely rapid "recoup" time . . . but also the most potent force ever waged upon a muscle strategically "weight training" till failure. This is not training for pain, but muscle stimulation with the GTO as the gear shift to stop action. Brake pedal? Gear Shift? 

GTO protects the muscle and tendons from tearing; however, GTO's do not prevent abuse of the tendons by continual improper performance. Use their input, don't abuse it. Only accurate control activates the bet GTO response. Once the forces of inertia come into play with heavy resistance uncontrolled they can't be stopped even by the GTO. 

Glibly stated: You can rip the hell out of your muscles when you lose resistance control by not motivating the GTO carefully. 

Training to the limit of "Psycho Blast" requires massive amounts of emotionally directed energy into the muscles to motivate them. I call this "hyping your head" or maximizing your "will-power," since it takes vast stores of it to continually break through to the ultimate "Psycho Blast" state at the GTO level of cut out.  

All emotions have various frequencies or vibrations which activate them, based on your mental brain waves and electrical patterns. Since stimulation to a muscle is an electrical current of a low charge, the question is how to get more from the brain down into the muscle to really reach GTO when "Psycho-Blasting." 

Athletes and world heroes have long used emotional techniques to personally psyche-up before a crucial test or contest of skill, even a life and death decision. The problem with dynamic emotional system psyching is the diffusing of its energy patterns everywhere; rather than a single bodypart as "Psycho-Blasting" into GTO requires. However, it can be done with practice, since you're not training for explosive power, but directing a controlled current to where you want the stimulation. 

The foundation is developing emotional decision to endure until GTO is achieved; not exploding against the weight to keep lifting the resistance. It is to this point of "sheer emoting decision" that all allotted energies and electrical currents of the brain be directed. 

Now he's rolling! 

The brain has its own set of frequencies which can be activated by thought and decision. Perhaps there are other natural external ways to tap them and turn them on using external methods that trigger them . . . thereby making "Psycho-Blast" more pleasant and efficient. 

A couple of guys I knew ages ago made what they called "goon juice" to drink; a temporary respite from sobriety and sanity with a helluva kick. Yes. The stuff was potent and unpredictable . . . the one guy pretty much went mad when he indulged in the potent potable concoction. Came up with this idea of giving it to unsuspecting friends, and it didn't taste anything like how strong it actually was. Let's just say he "Psycho-Glassed" 'em. 

"Will-power" and concentration levels can always be at maximum if techniques which are individual to the user can be developed. And they can by the intelligent trainer. 

Key note: What makes you feel good makes you go. The best two hypes are: 

1) Thinking of achieving the internal need; and

2) External sound which motivates and excites the nervous system at the brain causing it to release more neuro-transmitters and hormones. (Simple example: your favorite music). 

Here's my favorite go-to music for this purpose: 

This can create even more concentration levels and sub-stimulation. 

To reach GTO you've got to keep hyping the need . . . not, think of the reps, other than to keep track, but, keep hyping the need up until you stop (there's more on that discussed in a future MTI on "will-power," but here we want a solid technique established.

To understand how to naturally hype the need consciously and safely a few facts first: 

All existing matter has what's known as a resonance factor, or set of vibrations at the sub-atomic level where it is held together. Discovering how matter resonates or its frequencies of vibration can change its substance . . . the human brain too has frequency patterns of performance; sound has its own resonance patterns as well, especially music. Matching the musical patterns to our internal moods is a key to emotional enjoyment. Therefore, the right set of sounds should release more effective neurotransmition when tuned to the emotional need of "Psycho-Blasting" and this is really all driving me to "Pscho-Glassing." 

That could be an effective supplement (not the goon juice) when your emotional interest level is lagging in a workout (okay, okay, you're permitted a few alcohol-based bracers before, during and after your workouts). In other words, you could develop your own external system to pscyho-physiologically hype your head for concentration to reach GTO . . . I've tried . . . and it's a gas, better or almost as good as sex. [One can only imagine the sad, tiresome quality of sex that's barely better than lifting weights].

Yeah, I know the author is a banana . . . but remember this: brain chemistry is everything in life. That's where it all comes together, Baby. And GTO is a "how win" self-love hungry need to be better than you have ever been . . . the "Psycho-Blast" ego must gain endurance release potential.  

For hundreds of centuries, and more so today, the basis of all music has been "the beat." That low undertone which lies directly behind the general instrumental pattern, possesses the power to attune and even correlate with the rhythm of our heart beats . . . and scientifically proven as doing so. 

Note: refer to Wee Bare Bears video above for further concrete scientific evidence of this.

Both pleasant and unpleasant music patterns release feelings of passion or direction, whatever, in the visioning mind.  

The correct musical stimulation or tonal frequencies of sound, of which music is the simplest to control -- stimulates the primary emotional center of the brain sections called the Limbic System. This system is an action hormonal control center also the most primitive evolutionary portion of the brain matter complex.

According to research studies, when the central aria, er, area of the Limbic System is stimulated, highly reinforced behavior is produced. As an example: Rats with their Limbic System stimulated would press a lever several thousand times an hour for at least 10 hours because of the pleasure centers activated in the Limbic area.

Consequently, using the right background rhythms during the workout, no doubt, could zonk [zonk!] the muscle with more active direct "primal raw power" force . . . that is, unless you dig "the sounds of silence" more. 

The relation of goal-reaching definitely points to the bonding points of emotion and motivation interlock. In common terms: You've got to want that set bad, then head into it.

And I do mean HEAD into it . . . GTO will shortly and effectively follow these "Psycho-Blasts" directed into the contracting muscle fibers . . . and believe you me, you'll dig the flow. 

Enjoy Your Lifting!   

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