Sunday, May 19, 2024

Wonderful News!

We at Ditillo2 Mission Control and the TTSDB Research Clinic are pleased to announce the submission and acceptance of a rather large quantity of original articles from various authors recently. 

Our team of one-armed dwarf typesetters and Martin, our blind proofreader, have been working round the clock to get these articles out. 

Bear with us, be patient as we go through them. 

The first will fit nicely as a follow-up to The Potpourri (single set) Routine. 
"SFB for Strength" written by Merian C. Cooper. 

Mr. Cooper has a background in the film industry and has trained many of its stars, specializing in those who need added strength and a look of power for Hollywood roles. 

His article may prove to be of worth to strength trainers finding themselves temporarily in the mire of staleness. 

We are excited, and the possibility of more original article submissions is proving to be a positive enhancement to our work here. 

All author submissions accepted will receive a free one-month subscription to the blog . . . 


  1. If you would like someone else to do some transcribing of articles, I would volunteer to assist as well. It would be my opportunity to give back to this wonderful community. Let me know, as I would be happy and grateful to assist. Fair Winds

    1. I'll run it by my compatriots but more than likely it's gonna be a YES with a big smile. It'll take a valid email. I still have quite a few mags to go through, even after the bin cleanout, some warrant a second time. I could easily scan then send articles to you. Author privilege would allow you to post them, or others you find interesting. This is GOOD! Exactly what I wanted to happen so I could be freed up to deal with my own pile of training articles, no matter how odd some of them may seem to a few people. geeeeeYES!


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