Monday, June 24, 2024

Terry Moore Tar Heel Giant - Jack King (1970)

Terry Moore Tar Heel Giant - Jack King (1973)

Strength & Health April 1970

By Jack King

From six feet tall and 145 lbs. body weight to 227 lbs. doesn’t have to take a long time, but if you include measurements such as chest 52 inches, arms 19 ¼ inches, thighs 27 ½ inches and 17 ½ inch calves; the road is paved with sweat and toil. Terry began training at home on the family farm and at the “Y” in Winston-Salem, N.C. Sam Green, the physical instructor at that time, constantly encouraged Terry to train. He, himself, had a tremendous physique that served him well for three years as halfback at Wake Forest University. Another strong influence, at least by example, was Gary Simpson, who at that time was winning titles all over the South. While in high school Terry was just too diminutive to play football. This often is all the encouragement one needs to train. Terry smiles everytime he remembers those days because it wasn’t long before several grid coaches approached him, but Terry was realistic; he lacked the experience having never played in high school. Terry first entered Lees McRae Junior College to begin his further education. While spending those two years there, he laid a sound physical base for the success he is now enjoying in the sport he loves. He trained with a fanatical drive, spending many hours in the gym. It was during this period that the “Tar Heel Giant” entered his first physique contest. He didn’t exactly make a clean sweep as he now does. In fact, the first five missed him. Everyone could see that he was a comer “if” he would continue to train and most important – get those legs up to the rest of his body. Terry talked training with everyone who would talk, sought criticism from those who would know what they were talking about. He went back to school with his head swimming, but all fired up. The next time I saw Terry the change was so obvious I had to blink to be sure it was really him. His legs were tremendous. Terry found, as many others have, that by training with guys shows all over the body. Recently Terry did a squat with 500 lbs. and several on-lookers commented, “Yeah, but what can he do with those big muscles in his legs?” Terry responded with a vertical jump 36 inches above his reach. The next day he ran a one hundred yard dash in 10.8. Experience they say is the best teacher, and certainly Terry has learned a lot from his own training and definitely is his own trainer. He has certain little variations to about every exercise he does. The best way to describe this method is to say he performs every exercise with intense concentration and in the manner that gives the best muscle ache. After moving to Pembroke Regional University and getting married, Terry began putting some finer finished looking points to his physique. He converted his living room into a gym. Plenty of York equipment made a rather unusual furniture décor. I’m sure Terry’s wife, Linda, got real tired of explaining to visitors. Terry liked training at home because it almost always was alone and he got a lot done. When he was home on weekends back in Winston-Salem he would have to catch a “quickie” at the “Y” and attract a crowd, always with all the standard questions. Then rush home to the farm to work on his definition with such specialized exercises  as loading hay or clearing the north forty, etc. Terry uses large amounts of Hoffman’s Super Hi-Proteen coupled with large does of the Vitamin B group, C & E. Linda, Terry’s lovely wife, is a perfect cook for a bodybuilder. She is very diet conscious and prepares nutritious meals for Terry. Linda graduated with Terry in June 1969 from Pembroke. They are settled in Louisbury, N.C. teaching at the same high school. Terry is a biology teacher and Linda instructs the young Tar Heels in science. They both love fishing and horseback riding. Terry’s family back in Winston-Salem are real proud of his accomplishments in the bodybuilding field. Terry’s father, Oscar, is a supervisor at Western Electric. His mother stays very busy at home and on the farm. His sister, Melonia, is a junior in high school and his brother, Sterling, is an engineering student at N.C. State University. Regular readers of S&H will recall the pictures of the 1969 Junior Mr. America  contest, those featuring Boyer Coe, Chris Dickerson and Terry on the victory stand pointed up what a great future Terry has ahead of him. He compared quite well for someone with so little prior publicity. The next few years will find Terry entering all the top contests. Nature was good to Terry, he has an ideal bone structure, very good basic shape and he is slightly over six feet tall. Combine these advantages with his fierce ambition and more maturing through training and surely the top will be his.

Contests: Mr. North Carolina; Mr. Smoky Mountains; Mr. Capitol District; Mr. Blue Ridge Invitational; Mr. South, Mr. Southern U.S.A.; others: second to Bill St. John in Mr. Cheseapeake Bay, second to Ken Waller in Jr. Mr. U.S.A., third Jr. Mr. America

Monday & Thursday (Chest & Back)

Sit ups and toe raises –

Bench press – 325 lbs. 6 x 6

Incline Bench Press (dumbbells) – 100 lbs. 5 x 10

Supine lateral raises (flys) – 45 lbs. 3 x 6

Pull Overs – 250 lbs. 3 x 6

Dips – no weight 4 x 8

Pushups – no weight 3 x 50

Bent rowing – 150 lbs. 4 x 6

Pull ups – 4 x 15

Tuesday & Friday (legs)

Sit ups and toe raises – 275 lbs. 6 x 6

Squats (front) – 425 lbs. 9 x 6

Regular Squats – 325 lbs. 4 x 6

Hack Squats – 170 lbs. 6 x 15

Quadricep Machine – 315 lbs. 6 x 8

Leg Presses

Wednesday & Saturday (shoulders and arms)

Sit ups and toe raises – 160 lbs. 3 x 6

Hanging cleans – 160 lbs. 3 x 6

Presses – 235 lbs. 5 x 6

Behind Neck Press – 150 lbs. 4 x 6

Later Raises (dumbbell) – 40 lbs. 4 x 6

Dips – 4 x 8

Tricep press down – 140 lbs. 6 x 6

Tricep Extensions – 150 lbs. 5 x 6

Curls – 150 lbs. 6 x 6

Preacher curls – 130 lbs. 5 x 6

Close grip curl – 130 lbs. 3 x 6

Reverse curl – 130 lbs. 5 x 6

Wrist curl – 120 lbs. 5 x 6

Wrist roller – 35 lbs. 3 x 4

Enjoy your lifting!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

An Outline of Training Methods (part two) - Harry Paschall (1950)


One of the earliest methods that gained acceptance since the introduction of the basic squat was the "cheating" method of performing movements, using more weight than you could handle properly. 

For example, suppose you could curl 100 lbs. while standing erect and without body motion; then one day you find that you can handle 125 lbs. by swaying the body and leaning back as you give a heave to start the barbell upward. 

You immediately rush out and tell your pals that you can now curl 125 lbs. and of course you hesitate to go back to that insignificant 100 lbs. which you formerly curled. You do this also with a press, a heave, a back bend and sundry motions which amount in essence to a jerk without moving your feet. 

So you can now press 200 lbs. At last you are a MAN! 

When you do pullovers you bend the arms, and bounce the weight off the floor. You have discovered the secret. Of course the fact that you have lost your soul is an insignificant by-product. You are no longer honest; you have become a liar. 

In America during the 1930s this cheating often crept into official weightlifting. The hunch or jerk presses during that era were sad to behold, and a few got away with murder because they don't realize they are cheating; and the person they are cheating most is themselves. 

Now, weightlifting and bodybuilding are separate things. In the former there are rules, and the good lifter will obey and profit thereby. If he gets into bad habits through attempts to press more than he can handle he is going to find eagle-eyed judges who slap him down. This article is primarily concerned with bodybuilding, so we will let ethics drop and consider the value of the "cheating" technique. 

To accustom your muscles to handle ever-increasing weights is a laudable endeavor. In some movements it has value -- such as the bouncing pullover and the bouncing squat. Yet let us look at the facts squarely . . . 

What you are really doing in most of these cases is supplanting a tried and proven exercise with another totally different movement. I suggest that if you insist on trying the cheating exercise, that you do it  first; then reduce the weight on the bar and do the old exercise properly. And this leads us into an exercise technique which has great merit --

the heavy and light system. 

In this routine most of the standard exercises are followed but a stimulation to increasing strength is supplied by first doing 5 repetitions with the curl with a weight quite close to your limit, then taking up immediately a lighter bar and performing 10 more reps. 

This has the great advantage of permitting you to handle more weight when you are fresh, and then as the fatigue toxins accumulate you really have to work to perform 10 full reps with a lighter weight. 

Usually the last 3 or 4 reps of a movement are the ones which do you the most good, when the tissues are starting to get clogged. This brings the surge of blood to the area and results in growth. 

The Bob Hoffman courses have contained this system since 1932. In Britain the new Henry Atkin Multi-Poundage system in which the discs are removed from the bar while you are using it, has carried this very fine idea even further. 



Okay, now we can move on to . . . 


You cannot spend a third of a century around physical culturists and barbell men without coming to a few conclusions. 

You see many enthusiasts who thrive on their training schedules and attain a perfectly satisfactory degree of physical development. 

You see others work and strain without noticeable improvement for months or years. Quite often these latter come up with the time-worn excuse that they are simply not the type to gain. Some experts have even given various names to these unsuccessful barbell men and inform them with regret that they cannot change their type and they are therefore doomed to failure. 

The main trouble with the skinny boys is that they work too hard, worry too much and spoil their chances of improvement by fostering a deliberate case of nervous tension. 

I have personally witnessed the transformation of many slender men into well rounded, broad shouldered physical supermen. What each of these former failures had to do was to create a distinct change in the metabolism of the body, to achieve a growing condition in which the digestive system would assimilate more food. In most cases this had to be done by drastic methods to jerk the subject out of his accustomed groove and start him along a new road by changing the physical demands upon his system.

I will give you a case in point. Mark Berry was the skinniest strong man ever seen outside the freak tent at a circus. He was strong, but had muscles like piano-wire. He weighed less than 130 pounds and had been in that classification for 10 years. 

He did mostly lifting practice because he had long since given up any hope that he could gain weight or muscle. He was also a vegetable and hay burner. Mark did two things to shake himself out of the groove: 

he moved from the New York area to Philadelphia, which is certainly something of a switch; and

he began doing less exercise. 

He constructed a squat rack, and presently we find him doing 20 fairly heavy squats a couple of times a week, and further, he began to eat a substantial amount of nourishing food. 

In a few months he skyrocketed to 160 or 170 pounds. What caused this gain? The magic of the squat? 

I would say it was quite as much the rest he was getting as the fact that he was doing some functional, vigorous exercises for possibly the first time in his career. That the squat is basic in any weight-gaining program is now a proven fact. Mark was one of his own guinea pigs. The sharp turnabout in his program succeeded in shaking loose his metabolism, and he began to make use of the protein and starches he was eating. 

To all thin barbell men I wish to bring a message of hope. And I also want to tell you of some pitfalls. 

You need a change, but you will probably tell me that you have made many changes, that you have tried everything. This is one of your troubles. By this time you are a confirmed skeptic and while you are very willing to change, you still haven't any faith that a new program will work. This FAITH you must have, because you must have a mental image of the man you wish to be.

When you are dealing with me you're dealing with a guy who has seen hundreds of skinny guys grow up, and I know that your biggest problem is mental and nervous. If you had had faith enough to stick for a few successive months to some of your former schedules it is likely you wouldn't now be skinny. You want to do too much and you want to get places too soon. For the love of Hercules, take it easy

And don't try to go right into the routines designed to round and swell the muscles. You should be glad to get any kind of muscles at all, and the first problem we must solve is to get you to quit exercising entirely.  

Take a full month off. Don't look at a barbell. Relax. Don't allow yourself to get under tension. Let the world go hang for a spell; you can't stop it anyway. Forget your peeves and animosities. Try to be happy. Good things are going to happen if you don't peeve. 

Now, after you have rested for a month, take up Routine No. 1.   

This is designed especially for thin men who have spent years trying to gain. Keep on this course for six weeks. Don't change a thing, and for the Love of Apollo, don't add some of your favorite tearing-down exercises. 

Eat like a horse, and get quite a lot of liquid; but don't overdo it, just eat like a healthy, husky man. Try to add an hour to your sleeping time if you can. Don't allow yourself to rush around too much in the day, and don't fight with your wife at night. 

Stick to Routine 1 for the full six weeks, three workouts per week. 

At the end of six weeks weigh and measure yourself. And by the way, obey the suggestion to get yourself a notebook and keep track of your progress; you'll find it a help. Put down your starting measurements, and the starting exercise routine; write down every workout with the weights and repetitions used; check up about every three weeks on weight and measurements; watch your progress. 

When you come to the end of six weeks, take one week's complete vacation from the weights. I once called this system (in a spirit of egotism perhaps) the Paschall Pause. I take that back. Let's call it that Sabbatical Week. College professors have a nice custom of taking one year off in seven, and on this seventh year they take a trip, write a book, of chase butterflies or women. This is the Sabbatical Year. When you work you may work six days and rest on the Sabbath. When God made the world, they say, "on the Seventh day he rested." We'll do it on the 7th week. On this Sabbatical week you can do just as the professors do, rest, travel or chase butterflies -- but in Heaven's Name, don't touch a barbell. 

After you rest, take up Routine No. 2

 It is a little more strenuous, and begins to give you some muscle molding for those growing muscles. Continue to take it easy; to rest; to sleep well, to eat plenty and to keep your mind free from worry about gaining weight.

At the end of another six weeks take another Week Off. Probably by this time you will be feeling so good you can chase women instead of butterflies, but please, don't do it. Because now you are ready to go right into Routine No. 3 with the rest of the muscle men who are striving to out-Grimek Grimek. 

From this point on, write your own ticket. You are no longer typed as a Thoracic or a Skinny [or a hardgainer]. 

Today, you are a Man! 

Enjoy Your Lifting! 

An Outline of Training Methods (part one) - Harry Paschall (1950)


Having now decided that you are going to be another John Grimek, or Charles Rigoulot (with distinct improvements of your own), what's the next step? 

It might be in order to take a glance around at the training methods employed by most of the successful athletes over the past several decades.    

There have been some great improvements made in exercise routines during the last fifteen years, yet there are still many earnest seekers after strength and health who are wandering in the wilderness. 

A certain bodybuilding cult has sprung up whose devotees spend hour after hour at painful physical torture in pursuit of "lumps" in the belly of the muscles. Some of them actually achieve these "lumps," but what good are they, after you get them? 

Actually, to spend too much of your vital "living" time in exercise is pointless and a little dangerous to your peace and soundness of mind. I think it is most important to discover as quickly as possible in your physical culture career not how much exercise is necessary; but how little!

Let's also have a little fun as we go along -- and let us by all means keep an open mind and not be afraid to change our exercise patterns from time to time lest it grow monotonous. But let us also be serious in the study and selection of exercise methods that will pay us back for the time invested. 

We are here concerned with the so-called advanced pupil. We assume you are familiar with the orthodox starting exercises employed by most barbell courses of instruction. These haven't changed basically since we first began weight training 35 years ago.

Perhaps, however, you may have wandered into the muscle business by a side door; maybe you saw someone lifting weights and started trying to see how much you could lift. Perhaps you have no foundation of sound bodybuilding exercises. If so, you had better go back and  start all over, because we feel that a man has very little chance for greatness either as a physique specialist or a weight-lifter unless he has at least a good six months of body-building exercise as a prelude to specialization.

For the benefit of some of you who may have come in after the show started we will briefly list the basic barbell movements, and the various progressive methods involved. The dozen standard exercises found in practically every course are these: 

1) Curl
2) Press
3) Squat
4) Pullover
5) Rowing
6) Straddle
7) Shrug
8) Side Bend
9) Dead lift
10) Raise on toes
11) Dumbbell press
12) Situp
This was before the bench press became so popular. 

In the original Calvert course there were several movements of minor consequence, and the method of progression for the beginner was an ingenious double one. 

On arm exercises you started by doing 5 repetitions, and on each third exercise day you added 1 rep, adding up to 10 repetitions when you increased the weight of the barbell by 5 pounds and went back to 5 reps again. 

On leg exercises you began with 10 reps and increased by 2 reps every third session, and when you got to 20 reps you added 10 pounds to the barbell. 

You performed the exercises every other day. This system worked very well up to a certain point because you were given a short breather for a few days every time you reached the high repetition point and increased your weight.

I still think this is a splendid system for the beginner, provided he sets his weights very low at the start. If you haven't had any preliminary training [or if the program you're following is a train wreck created by a modern guru], follow this simple system for at least three months, or better yet, for six. 

The balance of our treatise will be devoted to the problems of the advanced man. 

"Into ever life" (says the songwriter), "some rain must fall." The eager bodybuilder or weight trainee really knows about this horrible situation from personal experience. Every so often you come to a "sticking point" where seemingly you can neither advance nor retreat. Try as you will you grow neither stronger nor bigger. Life quickly loses its savor. A few earnest people from Brooklyn have been known to jump into the Bay when caught in these doldrums. If you are one of these . . . continue reading. 

Back in the early 1930s a friend of ours named Mark Berry was editor of Strength magazine. He had trained with us at Siegmund Klein's gymnasium and had observed Henry Steinborn doing his prodigious deep knee bends (squats) with upwards of 500 lbs. Henry would rock the bar onto his shoulders unassisted as he went into the first deep squat, and all of us around the gym had a try at it. 

We found it strenuous no end. 

If the descending bar caught you on the neck bone it nearly paralyzed you! 

At that time no one apparently had even thought of constructing racks from which to take the bell. Mark drew a picture of such a rack and printed it in Strength magazine, along with some advice about an abbreviated program of exercise designed to make the subject gain weight. 

Note: Here's a design for a squat rack submitted to Mark Berry by Frank Gibson and Wayne Harold, in 1932 when Berry was running The Strongman magazine.


Several eager and possibly slightly lazy pupils gave the shortened program a try, and in a few months some wild tales began to come in from the hinterlands from guys like Joseph Curtis Hise, Jacobson, Bullock, Boone and others. Reports of gains of 20 pounds in bodyweight a month were not uncommon, and I believe it was Jacobson who gained one hundred pounds in a year. 

Mark himself gained from 130 to 180 pounds, and thereby hangs a tale . . . 

In his early days he had been a diet hound, and had eaten nothing but vegetables and chopped hay for some years until he finally lost all his teeth. When he fixed up the squat rack and began his abbreviated course, he was simply reverting to type. 

He had always simply worked himself almost to death; he was a "scientific" weightlifter, and would train for hours. When he started squatting he got his new store teeth and started eating too -- and what he did to the more substantial foods shouldn't happen to a dog. His advice to all and sundry was to eat 5 or 6 times a day and as much as you could hold. The only dietary "don't" he listed was: don't eat anything that bites you first! 

His exercise routine was limited to a press on back, two hand curl, squat and pullover. After going through his former multi-multiple routines, this was simply duck soup for Mark and it was no wonder he started to grow, especially in the region about six inches below his chest. He further encouraged growth of the lower chest by adjuring all pupils to refrain from situps. Waist exercise was poison to the lads who were all out for beef at any price.

At first Mark did only one set of 20 squats and his exercise period only took up 10 minutes, which was just about all the time he could spare away from the buffet. Other enthusiasts out in the provinces experimented with two, three, and sometimes eight sets of squats on an abbreviated program and they grew like weeds in a garden. 

Mark had promulgated a great discovery . . . how a skinny guy could get fat. But he did have something tremendously important -- the value of rest and change, and the great importance of LEG AND BACK WORK in creating a bulkier physique. 

Previous to this, the squat had just been another exercise. The use of the rack made heavier weights possible that would call for real effort and as use determines structure, the thighs began to bulge and the chest began to deepen. 

Actually, the squat rack was a more important discovery than the squat itself. Anything that takes pain our of our lives in very much worthwhile. Later discoveries of inclined benches, dorsi pulleys, etc., are anti-pain devices that permit the exerciser to do some good exercises in a less painful manner. We hail these gadgets with delight as a contribution to a more restful and pleasant life. Physical culturists have too long been wearing hair shirts.

To those of you whose faces are wan and drawn, and whose bones seem in danger of punching through the taut skin, I recommend a revised adaptation of the squat program, the big discovery of the 1930s. But I offer my version in fear and trembling lest too many of you become big fat sloppy beasts with gargantuan appetites and no visible claims to athletic proportions. 

Just as the drunkard little knows when he downs his first slug of gin and bitters where the trail is going to lead, so many nice clean-cut athletes I used to know have disappeared forever from my ken covered and recovered by rolls and rolls of adipose tissue started in one weak moment a few years ago when they took a bar across their shoulders and made that first fatal dip. O Tempora, O Mores! Mark, why hast thou forsaken me? 

A great to-do has been raised about the proper breathing in connection with the squat. I find the instructions given me by Mr. Calvert quite sufficient. Breathe in deeply when you flex the muscles; breathe out vigorously when you relax them. This goes for all exercises, not merely the deep knee bend. but you will find when you do 20 squats with a heavy weight, that long about number 10 you begin to get a bit breathless, so you will naturally pause at the top and start taking two or three deep pants. This is good. You are expected to puff and pant when you run a hundred yards at top speed. The squats are an athletic feat comparable to the hundred yard dash. 

There is some value to beginners doing light or "dinky" squats with several breaths between them. For on thing, the untrained man is so very much weaker than you would suppose him to be that even a set of 20 squats with 20 pounds becomes for him a major athletic feat. The even rhythm of breathing is also important in connection with the action of the heart. Organically it is important that we get a lot of oxygen when we are exercising, and rhythm makes it easier for the heart and lungs to accommodate themselves to their unaccustomed task.

The various ramifications through which the squat program has passed during the past 20 years are indeed enthralling; and the dietary atrocities committed in the sacrificial ceremonies to the Great God Beef would make any European's hair stand on end. We could write a book on this subject and enjoy ourselves no end. 

We remember Mark Berry telling us back about 1934 of a visit he had sustained from one of his squat and slop devotees. This 280 pounder arrived just as Mark was finishing breakfast, and naturally Mark invited him to bread and salt, although he didn't happen to have a largely stocked larder at the moment. A makeshift simple meal was provided however with one dozen eggs, a full loaf of bread and a big pot of coffee plus a quart of milk. Besides these edibles, the already over-juiced muscleman drank a two quart pitcher of water.

The squat program in the early days was a case of oversimplification if there ever was one, and unless the subject had some years of regular training to give use to all the muscles he was apt to become a rotund caricature of a strength athlete along the order of the Continental beer-drinking ironmen at the turn of the century. How much harm has been done organically to these men though food gorging and flooding their systems with liquid is horrible to contemplate. Certainly the human body can stand only so much!

The different types of breathing techniques which soon materialized in connection with the squat were forced upon the exercisers by simple cause and effect. The boys who took huge gasps of ozone and did a score or more of squats soon found that they were developing what they termed a "low chest." You may call it what you will. But some of these men have spoiled their physiques for life by getting the same sort of swelling bellies you will see among Indian and Japanese wrestlers. After a while the classic physique boys came along and began squatting and objected strenuously when they saw that suspicious bulge beginning to develop. 

So they began costal breathing: holding the abdomen in, and making sure the air went to the top of the lungs. They then squatted with the chest held high and the waist held in. This was an improvement. 

If you find yourself squatting with a rounded back you are simply asking for trouble. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you try to make a lower back exercise out of the squat you are certainly going to push that tummy out. 

Keep the back flat. 
Keep the chest high.
Keep the belly in. 

One of the chief virtues of the deep knee bend is that it is just about as strenuous an exercise as you can find. When you do 20 squats with a good heavy bar you will know you have been somewhere. 

This, I think, is the real reason why many people seem to get noticeable results when they add this movement to their program. Quite probably they have never worked hard enough before to make them really sweat and puff and pant. Also, you are only as strong as your legs. Most people do not give their legs enough work to do. 

A heavy squat program places fundamental demands on the internal organs which they have not previously felt, and consequently this vigorous exercise may serve to cause a sudden change in the basic metabolism of the body. It is shaking the man out of his accustomed groove that makes the squat program work for people who have never really and truly exercised before, although they may have had years of vicarious experience in barbell training. 

Unless your program makes you breathless at some point or another, you are wasting your time. 

Some of the original squat fanatics have mellowed with age. As their waistlines grew they began to complain a little of the severity of going all the way down in the squat. It is no fun to have your stomach bumping against your knees. 

So they shortened the piston stroke and stepped up the easier part of the program, the breathing. Some of them began to take 10-20 breaths between each squat, and soon they were only making half squats. They continued to grow, as who wouldn't after they had shaken the body metabolism loose and begun to extract more and more flesh from their inordinate food intake. 

They also began to do fewer and fewer accessory exercises. 

Finally, they have now arrived at a point where they just put the bar on their shoulders (off the rack, of course) and just bounce their shoulders up and down, and snort like a locomotive going up grade.

This is the ultimate of something or other, brother. As Arthur Godfrey sings, "You can have 'em, I don't want 'em, they're too FAT for me!"

Let us now leave the Land of the Squatters and travel on. 

Let's have a look at some of the other exercise routines which gained rather wide acceptance since the introduction of the more or less basic squat in the early 1930s . . . 

to be continued in Part Two. 

Enjoy Your Lifting! 


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Training for the Clean & Jerk with Champion Jake Stefan (1973)

 Iron Man November 1973

by Bill Reynolds

For those interested in weightlifting from the 70's and 80's (particularly in the New York/New Jersey area) I'd recommend Mark Morthier's podcast.  There's other sports covered from that era, but includes some good interviews with National level weightlifters from that time. Yesterday's Sports Podcast

During the recent CBS television coverage of the Senior Nationals, American weightlifting fans were treated to a taste of the action in the super-heavyweight class. A virtually effortless 435 pound clean and jerk wrapped up the title for Jacob Stefan, a previously obscure lifter from Seattle. Perhaps not one spectator in twenty at Williamsburg expected Jake to win, as he was simply too big a mystery.

To a few iron game super fans, though, the name Stefan has a ring of familiarity, as he has cropped up on the national scene several times in the past three years. A few powerlift fans might recall 1970, a year in which Stefan placed third at both Juniors and Seniors in the heavyweight division. His 1700 total that year included a 610 pound squat and a 670 pound deadlift. During that same year, he totalled 1020 on Olympic lifts to attain his Master rating as a heavyweight. His combined 2720 total was worthy of note and possibly not approached officially by any other heavyweight that year.

By 1971, Jake’s Olympic total climbed to 1075, which was good for an easy super-heavy victory at the Junior Nationals. Jake had to eat and drink very heavily prior to the weigh-in in order to lift as a super heavy at the Juniors. The following year a broken hand kept his total from advancing as rapidly as expected and his 1080 effort was only high enough for fifth place among heavyweights at the 1972 Seniors. Then with the press eliminated from the Olympic lifts, Stefan finished first at super-heavy in the recent Senior Nationals. His 777 total was registered at a bodyweight of only 249 and Stefan was chosen for the World Championships team as a heavyweight.

Like Jon Cole, Stefan is perhaps one of the most athletic heavyweights in the United States. He has recently sprinted 60 yards in an amazing 6.5 seconds while weighting 245 pounds. As a high school athlete, his skill at both football and track attracted numerous athletic scholarship offers. These were rejected, however, in favor of weightlifting which Jacob found to be considerably less brutal and more satisfying than football. Still, the sight of a super strong 245 pounder with 6.5 speed in the sixty yard dash must set pro football scouts to drooling.

Typically, Jakes training is thrice weekly and highly variable. He seldom does the same workout twice, but keeps an accurate record of all his training poundages and attempts to slowly increase weights over the long haul. Basically, his training is peaked out only once a year from what he considers to be an important meet. Then a week or two layoff is taken and the long process of building up is repeated.

The power lifts that he once concentrated on have been sublimated in favor of those exercises that will improve performance on the two Olympic lifts. Dead lifts and bench presses have been totally abolished from his schedule and 650 pound single squats have given way to sets of five with a pause at the bottom of each and a maximum resistance of 550 pounds. On an average, Jacob squats only once a week (usually on Monday or Wednesday), as cleaning and snatching really work his legs hard on other days. He does front squats “about once a year” as they seem to hurt his wrists.

Stefan usually does some form of pulling and some type of movement to benefit his jerk during both his Monday and Wednesday sessions. Then on Saturday, he usually goes heavy on both the snatch and the clean and jerk. Pre-Williamsburg bests were 350 snatch and 450 clean and jerk, but not in the same workout. A typical weekly training schedule would shape up as follows:


1)        Cleans: 6-8 sets up to 440 or 450 x 2

2)        Jerk Drives: 3-4 sets up to 475-500 x 2


1)        Squats: 4-5 sets up to 550 x 5

2)        Snatch Grip Pulls: 4-5 sets up to 375-400 x 3

3)        Jerk Lockout Supports (on rack): 5-6 holds up to 650


1)        Snatch singles up to maximum for the day

2)        Clean and Jerk: singles up to maximum for the day

Following Jake through a typical workout, one would see him first spend a couple of minutes taping his wrists and then wrapping them for maximum protection from injury. Then he spends ten or fifteen minutes stretching and warming up before the training session. All of this preparation has eliminated injuries  from training. During the past five years only one injury has resulted in lost training time, and that was a broken hand sustained while practicing karate.

Cleans might be the first exercise and he starts out low with 135 x 2. Then his series might often go 205 x 2, 275 x 2, 325 x 2, 360 x 2, 380 x 2, 400 x 2, 420 x 2, 440 x 2. All of his pulling in training is reinforced with straps to keep from yanking off patches of skin from the palms of his hands. Jake finds no difficulty in hook gripping his maximum meet poundages, so seldom pulls without straps in training.

A typical second exercise might be jerk drives in which he would do 440 x 2, 460 x 2, 480 x 2, and 500 x 2 during a particularly heavy session. Jake considers the jerk to be his weakest link at the present time and is spending plenty of time improving it. He is even experimenting with a slightly wider grip which shows promise of helping his lockout.

Following his workout with the weights, Jake occasionally runs, but usually he does this on his off days. Running is usually in the form of three mile cross country runs with gentle hills. A few wind sprints tend to give Jake the tired breathless feeling that tells him that his heart and lungs are benefitting from the exercise.

Stefan supplements his training with a positive mental outlook, a protein rich diet and plenty of rest and sleep. So far his formula has paid off, and having watched him train on numerous occasions, the author fully expects a 375 snatch and a 500 clean and jerk from him within the next two or three years.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Ditillo Compilation

This is put together real nicely . . .

It'd be great to see the same thing done with the Hepburn, and 
the Charles Smith stuff from here. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Doug Hepburn Training, Changes in Later Years - Twiceborn


One thing Doug changed later in his life is that you DO NOT do the Power and Pump programs together in the same workout. 

He felt the Pump program was overkill and probably did him more harm than good. 8 sets of singles followed by a full 5x5 would kill any of us over time. 

He refined the training he recommended  when older and wiser, in the late 1990s before his death. 

It went like this: 

"A Routine" 
Use singles, start with 4 total and build up by one single per workout until you hit 10 singles total. 

"B Routine"
Use triples and do the same progression. 4 sets of triples, add a triple each workout until you get to 10 sets of triples. 

"C Routine" 
5 sets of 3, add 1 rep per workout until you're at 5 sets of 5. 
Note: If using this routine, ALWAYS add the workout's rep to the FIRST sets until you hit the goal. For example: 

Contrary to some of the altered layouts online, Doug would NEVER superset. He mentioned that the idea was silly and it took away from focus on the lift you're working on. He liked to focus and would meditate between his lifts. 

He was a very big believer in self-hypnosis/auto-suggestion. 

Doug NEVER used percentages. 
Working weights were to be

He would use TWO exercises per day, split them into upper and lower body.
He would Overhead Press and Bench one day, and
Squat and Curl on the other. 

He used to shoot for two of the same workout in 8 days, i.e., 
one day on, one day off. 

At a later age he found he had even better results if he went one on and two off. 

So, to simplify the whole approach: 

First 3-4 months - 
4 singles working up by one single a workout to 10 singles. 
When you peak out and can't add any more weight . . . 

Second 3-4 months - 
4 sets of triples working up by one triple a workout to 10 triples.
This was used until you were using the same weight for triples as you did for singles on the A routine. 

Use them in order . . . A routine then B routine. The C routine is just a shortened version of the B routine. Choose the C routine if you prefer not to hang around for 10 sets as in the B, simple as that. 

Enjoy Your Lifting!