Monday, December 26, 2022

Jim Haislop's Training -- Dick Falcon (1966)


Article Courtesy of Joe Roark and IronHistory:

Although Florida has produced many fine physical specimens in the past years, none was as outstanding as Jim Haislop of Tampa. Just over a year ago, Jim was a complete unknown in the physique field and it wasn't until he competed in the 1965 Mr. Florida physique show that he came to the attention of physique fans. His appearance on the stage during his posing routine caused a terrific sensation and a wild tumult of long-lasting applause from the audience. When he was awarded the Mr. Florida title, the applause was repeated and lasted even long. No mistake had been made by the judges of the contest. Their selection seemed to meet the approval of everyone present. 

I had the pleasure of meeting Jim Haislop for the first time in 1963, while he was home on leave from the navy and training at the Tampa Health Gym. Although, at the time, he weighed only 170 pounds at the height of 5'11". 

I was impressed with his physical appearance and plied him with questions concerning his life. I learned that Jim had been an average American boy, receiving fairly good grades during his school years. He graduated from Hillsborough High School in Tampa where he excelled and received letters for three years in track and football. After graduation he enlisted in the navy for a four-year stint. He was sent to naval school and he became a machinist first class.   

Although Jim had seen a few bodybuilders in action, he did not really become interested in weight training until his second year in the navy when he saw the movies of Steve Reeves portraying Hercules roles. Reeves' magnificently developed body impressed Jim so much that he decided to take up weight training and build his own body to the maximum degree possible. 

Once he made this decision, Jim lost no time in requesting permission and acquiring weights for use on board ship. Here he began his barbell training, following written instructions consisting of a basic barbell and dumbbell course requiring three exercise periods per week on alternate days. When I met Jim he had been training according to these instructions for about a year. 

In the course of our conversation, Jim confided that although he had acquired some fair results from his training, he now felt that he was ready for more advanced methods. He had decided to use the split routine upon his return to the naval base. I agreed with his decision and wished him great success in his efforts. 

In 1964, on his next leave from the navy, I again saw Haislop exercising at the Tampa Health Gym and this time I was amazed at the physical improvements he had made. He had gained from 170 to 208 pounds of solid muscles that were evenly distributed over his body. He looked simply great!    

Jim informed me that for the past year he had used the split system as he had planned, training five days per week and incorporating the best known exercises required to give his body a thorough workout. 

On Monday/Thursday/Saturday he concentrated on his shoulders, chest and triceps. On Tuesday/Friday he had exercised his lats, legs and biceps. Abdominals were worked at the end of each of the five workouts. 

Jim said that he also paid more attention to his food and had also included food supplements to his navy rations. When I left him that evening, Jim said he planned to train for another year and then perhaps, compete in a few physique contests. 

About a year later, the first of April, 1965, I saw Haislop for the third time, on leave from the navy and training at the Tampa Gym and this time he looked better than ever. His bodyweight had increased to 228 pounds and he looked very shapely and trim. After I greeted him, Jim said he planned to enter the Mr. Florida contest scheduled later in the month. On April 17, 1965, Jim competed and easily won the Mr. Florida title. 

He also competed in the power lift contest held the same day, making a 350 bench, 485 squat and 545 deadlift. At this writing he holds the All South Bench Press record and is the Florida State Heavyweight Power Lifting champion.

Jim's navy enlistment ended last August of 1965 and he is now back home in Tampa. Currently employed as a machinist, Jim spends a large part of his evenings training with Dick Fudge, owner of the Tampa Health Gym. At present Haislop is training six evenings per week. 

He begins all his workouts with a light warmup routine and then concentrates on the heavier exercises. He sticks to each exercise until he feels it is no longer giving sufficient benefit and then substitutes a different movement. 

Employing the split routine, he trains his chest, deltoids, and triceps on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and he exercises his lats, biceps and legs on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Following is a list of some of the exercises Jim performs in his training. 



Bench Press, 300 pounds, 5 sets of 6 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press, 120's, 3 x 10
Incline Barbell Press, 200, 3 x 6 ->
alternate with Incline DB Press, 70's, 3 x 6
Flyes, 90's, 3 x 10 ->
alternate with: 
Dumbbell Pullovers, 70's, 3 x 6.


DB Front Raise, 50's, 3 x 10
DB Side Laterals, 50's, 3 x 10
Seated Press Behind Neck, 175, 3 x 10


Incline EZ-Bar Triceps Extension, 140, 6 x 8 ->
alternate with: Close Grip Bench on bench press machine, 150, 6 x 8
Triceps Pulley Kickback, 150, 6 x 8
Triceps Pressdown, EZ-Bar Handle, 120, 6 x 10
alternate with: Close Grip Incline Press, 180, 6 x 8.



Squat, 400 pounds, heels raised, 6 x 10
Leg Extension, 75, 3 x 15
Leg Curl, 75, 3 x 15
Standing Calf Raise, 200, 20 reps followed by 3 sets of 12 with 10 seconds pause between sets. Ouch. But wait . . . 1 set of burns, 200, 40 reps, followed by 20 more reps of regular calf raises with 200. The entire calf routine is repeated 3 times.


Chin Behind Neck, 4 x 10
Pulldown, 4 x 10
Seated Cable Row, 150, 4 x 8


Incline DB Curl, 70's, 5 x 7
Standing Cable Curl, 120, 5 x 8
Lying Cable Curl, 110, 5 x 8

The abdominals are exercised with situps and leg raises at the end of every workout. Jim rests on Sundays by attending church in the mornings and relaxing the the Florida sunshine during the afternoons. He retires early in order to obtain a sufficient amount of sleep.

Haislop is very careful about nutrition. He does not believe in eating or drinking anything that has very little food value. Neither will he partake of anything that may be harmful to his health. He does not use tobacco in any form, does not imbibe in soft drinks, coffee or alcohol. He shuns all forms of pork, white flour products, fried foods and starches. His diet consists chiefly of beef, poultry, fish, dairy products, fresh vegetables, fruits and honey. He is a great believer in plenty of proteins, food supplements and vitamins, and eats three well-balanced meals per day.

Enjoy Your Lifting! 



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