Saturday, July 23, 2022

A Crash Program for Building Up - Bradley Steiner

Beach weather will be here soon, and if you look like a scrawny mannequin in a bathing suit, NOW is the time to start doing something about it! 

If you want to pack on some solid, muscular bodyweight in a hurry -- in time for the good ol' summertime -- then read on. If you adopt the training program and diet  advice we're going to give discuss this month, then you can gain an inch or two on your upper arms, several inches on your chest, add some girth to your thighs, widen your shoulders, and bulk up your back. 

Sound fantastic? Not a bit. Just make up your mind right now that you'll stick to an every-other-day, three times a week training course come hell or high water, and that you'll follow the diet instructions in this article to the letter. The only fantastic thing will be the change in your physique by summer! 

This is a "Crash" program, and most of the crashing concerns your diet. Starting then, with your next meal (not tomorrow, or Monday, but with your NEXT meal) you've got to literally gorge yourself on good, nutritious, high-protein, vitamin-mineral rich foods. Run, don't walk to the nearest health food store, and pick up the following supplements: 

I will skip the long plug for the three York products of the past here. Some kind of B vitamin gravel to increase appetite, and both a powdered protein substitute and the little powdery tabs they used to make. 

Here are the complete diet details: 

Cut out every form of junk and "foodless" foods from your diet. Follow this meal plan religiously. If you're really skinny and haven't much of an appetite, then go right ahead and force the food down. If you train vigorously on the program that we're going to outline, you'll need all of the food listed, and you'll pack on muscle like crazy. 

Add protein powder to every glass of milk that you drink. 

If you have any qualms as to whether or not this diet will put muscle on you, let me assure you that it most definitely will. Just stick with it, exercise the same discipline with your knife and fork that you do with your weights, and I guarantee that you'll transform yourself.

Before outlining the weight training program of this Crash course, let's make perfectly clear that you  fully understand how it's to be followed. 

These points should be kept in mind:

1) Perform every exercise in strict form, and permit yourself NO CHEATING whatsoever.

2) Train Every Other Day (mon, wed, fri, sun, tues . . . ) for the first two weeks. If you find that for some reason you're overtired, then cut your workouts down to three times a week (mon,wed, fri). DON'T participate in any other physical activities until you've built up to the point you're satisfied with. 

3) Don't add anything and don't overtrain. You'll never, never build up that way. 

4) Constantly strive to handle heavier and heavier weights. This applies particularly to the LEG AND BACK MOVEMENTS, which should see you adding from five to 10 pounds per exercise every third workout. 

Now refer to the training program . . . 

Work very hard, and CONCENTRATE on what you're doing. Cram as much effort and determination into every exercise you do that it's possible to master. If you do, you'll be a new man on the beach next summer. 

Remember to keep an optimistic outlook about your lifting, believe in yourself, fight discouragement, and try, Try, TRY TO MAKE EVERY WORKOUT BETTER THAN THE LAST. 

Keep thinking of yourself as you're going to look. You'll pile on muscle, and by the time next summer rolls around, you'll be glad you stuck to your program. Best of luck in your efforts. 

Enjoy Your Lifting! 

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