Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Best Form of Bodybuilding, Part Eleven - Dennis Weis



The physical growth of the human body is governed to a great extent by our METABOLISM. Metabolism is a process of chemical changes in the cells of our bodies which burns ENERGY. Each of us has a different rate at which we burn this energy. We find that there are two types of metabolisms to consider when we relate it to our energy and nutritional needs, so necessary for bodybuilding progress.


This type of person burns energy at a fantastic rate and thus acquires outstanding definition rather easily. He finds it very difficult, however, to gain additional muscular bodyweight to compliment this definition factor. The reason for this is because he is not getting the most efficiency out of his calorie intake. He is burning up these calories in the form of energy faster than he can use them for additional muscle growth and size. Now this type of person may be consuming liberal amounts of high protein foods for the purpose of building muscle, but results are still not visibly apparent. 

Why? Because a certain amount (undetermined) of protein is being burned as energy. To compensate for this condition, the person with the high or fast metabolism needs a high calorie intake to compensate for this protein loss. As well, he should continue to keep the daily diet high with protein foods for the purpose of building muscle. In order to gain additional bodyweight SLOWLY the person could include two extra calories per pound of bodyweight in addition to the regular daily diet. until the desired results are achieved. For example, if your bodyweight is 150 pounds, 150 x 2 calories = 300 calories.

If you are still not progressing as quickly s you would like, try stepping up this extra intake of additional daily calories (gradually until results begin to take place) to a MAXIMUM of 6 calories per pound of bodyweight per day.

After you have reached your desired additional bodyweight using this system, drop back on this EXTRA calorie intake until you eventually find as intake level which will maintain your new desired weight.


This individual seems to make efficient use of his caloric intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. As a rule this person finds little difficulty gaining additional weight and in some cases is prone to carry it to EXCESS. Now if this person's desire is to LOSE weight in a moderate manner, he can simply follow the calorie steps suggested to the underweight individual. The only difference will be that when shedding pounds you simply DEDUCT 2 calories per pound of bodyweight from the daily diet. If faster results are desired or necessary, you may work up to gradually deducting 8 calores (maximum) per pound of bodyweight daily.

You can see from what we have just talked about that it is necessary to tailor your training and diet principles to your particular metabolism for proper gains. Sometimes with certain individuals this takes a bit of experimentation, but eventually the proper balance of exercise and diet will come into focus.


Diet will account for more than half of your development potential. Generally, an active athlete or bodybuilder should consider these essentials of proper eating in his daily diet. 

PROTEINS: beef, chicken, lamb, pork, fish, liver and organ meats. Note: these meats should be prepared without a great deal of frying or use of grease. Broiling is best. Eggs, milk, cottage cheese, ricotta and cheese in other forms, yogurt.

FATS: cream, butter, safflower oil, olive oil, fish oil, sour cream.

CARBOHYDRATES: raw and cooked fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, beans. 

We can add to this basic diet plan additional supplementation: protein powder, germ and fish oils, honey, various nuts and sunflower seeds, raisins, dates, figs and a vitamin-mineral tablet each day.


There are some foods which don't do your body any good. Some of these are: soda pop, candy, pastry, white breads and pasta, potato chips, ice cream and fatty fried foods.

I have given you just a brief look into the importance of proper nutrition as a consideration to your training endeavors. There are many books and courses out today which deal exclusively with the subject of nutrition in its entirety. Three bodybuilding-oriented titles worth finding are: 

Dieting for the Bodybuilder - Bernard A. Centrella
Modern Nutrition for Bodybuilders - Carl Richford
Eating for Strength and Muscular Development - Norman Zale. 

Here . . . 


Muscles that are subject to vigorous workouts need an incredible supoply of blood to the muscle area being worked at that time. This necessary requirement brings in more oxygen and energy materials to the muscle and as well, speeds up the recovery of waste products. Research indicates that this extra blood supply comes directly from the digestive organs. Looking into the digestive process we find that solid and semi-solid foods travel from the mouth to the stomach in about seven seconds. Liquids pass from the mouth to the stomach in less than a second. 

As soon as food composition enters the stomach gastric juices release and set into motion peristaltic movements (successive waves of involuntary contractions which pass along the walls of the intestines and the internal muscular structure), which break food into smaller particles and finally into semi-liquid, which is then moved onward into the intestines in the process of digestion. These foods in the intestines undergo a further chemical change which enables them to be absorbed through the walls of the intestines. This chemical change transfers the food into a liquid form. The vast circulation system of the body picks up this material and supplies the billions of cells in the body into new protoplasm. This is known as assimilation. This causes new cells to form, thus growth occurs. 

Pure liquids pass from the stomach into the intestines within minutes. Carbohydrates are the first of the solid food to move into the intestines. Proteins require a bit longer in the digestion process. Fats are the slowest to digest. An average meal may take anywhere from 3 to 5 hours to digest (this depends on the composition of the foods taken in, etc.). MEALS OF ENTIRELY CARBOHYDRATES WILL PASS MORE QUICKLY THAN AN ENTIRE PROTEIN MEAL. FATS TAKE THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF TIME FOR PROPER DIGESTION. 

Proportions of each of these major foods affect the duration of digestion. IDEALLY, one should allow 3 hours to elapse after eating an average meal of carbohydrates, and proteins, before beginning a workout session.

Before a competition in any sport, 5 hours should elapse after a heavy meal which contains fatty foods. In fact, meals that contain fatty compositions should be eliminated on scheduled workout days if possible. Regulate this type of food to your nutritional needs on the non-workout days.


Breakfast --
Make this your main protein meal of the day. Try to eat some of the following: eggs, ham or sausage, burger patties and some tomato and cheese slices. Balance this with some orange or tomato juice and top with some whole grain wheat toast. 

Lunch --
It would be a good idea at this time to ease off the proteins and begin adding some natural carbohydrates such as raw fruits, vegetables and maybe a nice baked potato.

These two meals should carry you right into your workout with a feeling of tremendous energy. Now this is only a sample menu. I am sure that with a little thought you could apply some of the food components mentioned under NUTRITION NOTES. 


With the above thoughts established regarding digestion and proper food utilization, we find that one should never train directly after eating a moderate or heavy meal, regardless of the composition of foods taken into the digestive system. Why? Because of you begin to exercise on a full stomach blood will go to the active muscle, suspending digestion. This will result in partially digested foods which will stagnate or ferment. Rupture or hernia factors could become prevalent due to extreme pressures of the undigested foods pressing against the abdominal wall during strenuous exertion. Also, this partially digested food will pass through without using its limited value. You should wait at least two hours after a meal before commencing with your exercise program. Using this as a guideline, you shouldn't experience any problems of the above nature. 

Next: Best Exercises and Training Programs

Enjoy Your Lifting! 


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