Sunday, November 14, 2021

Wilbur Miller: America's Best Deadlifter - Tommy Suggs (1964)

From a back injury an 199 pounds bodyweight to one of the strongest backs in the world and 245 pounds bodyweight -- The story of Wilbur Miller's deadlift training . . . 

680 in '63.
His best (1964) is 705. 

More on Wilbur Miller (1966) here: 

Wilbur is 29 years old, a farmer, and calls Cimarron, Kansas his home. What is he like as a person? 

An acquaintance of Wilbur wrote that it was his opinion that he was a man who likes people, hard work, and life. 

The fact that he holds the national deadlift record is an indication that he doesn't mind hard work. A lifter just doesn't make national records unless he is willing to work hard. 

Does he like people and life? Once you talk five minutes with Wilbur you realize from his enthusiasm and friendliness that he must like both. If it is possible to determine to any extent what a person is like by what he says, then the following statement made by Wilbur should sum up how he feels about weightlifting and life . . . 

During a weightlifting meet last December he said to me, "I may not always win or do good, but I ALWAYS enjoy lifting in a contest and associating with other lifters." 

It's too bad that ALL lifters don't have this attitude. 

His greatest weightlifting claim to fame is his deadlifting ability. MD (Muscular Development) magazine therefore is presenting to its readers, who are interested in increasing their deadlift poundages, a routine that Wilbur followed before one of his record breaking performances. 

Like many lifters, an injury caused Wilbur to excel as a weightlifter. He received a back injury years ago when he was thrown from a horse and in 1958 he started deadlifting to help correct a back injury. Deadlifting helped him to such an extent that he now holds the national deadlift record with a lift of 705 pounds.

He is not only the best deadlifter around these 50 states, but in addition has used the great strength of his back to become an outstanding Olympic lifter. He reently totaled 1,000 with lifts of 315 press, 310 snatch, and 375 clean & jerk.

On the powr lifts he has made a bench press of 340 with a 2-second pause at the chest, and aa squat of 530, and, of course, a deadlift with a record breaking performance of 705 pounds.

Exercise of course played an important part in increasing his bodyweight from 199 to a muscular 245. However, like most lifters, Wilbur realizes the importance of a good diet. Beef and milk, a gallon a day, are the mainstays of his diet.     

Top Position isometric hold for 12 seconds with 785 pounds.
Middle Position isometric hold for 12 seconds with 645 pounds.

Strict style deadlifts - 1 set of 6 with 525.

Partial movement in top position - 1 set of 6, 6 second isometric hold on final rep with 725 pounds. 

Deadlifts - 225 x 2 / 415 x 2 / 505 x 2 / 600 x 2 / 650 x 2.

Enjoy Your Lifting! 

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