Monday, November 8, 2021

The Best Form of Bodybuilding, Part Seven - Dennis Weis


For those seeking to develop great strength much consideration should be given to the development of the tendons and ligaments. This area of development is more important than that of striving to obtain large muscle mass. 


Because it is through the tendons that the potential strength of a muscle is transmitted to the joints, where movement and pressure of lifting is applied. Large muscles are largely ineffective unless the tendons have been strengthened equally. This goes back to what I mentioned previously regarding the causes of injury and unbalanced strength areas. Tendons connect the ends of muscles to a bone. Now, for example, if your biceps are capable of curling huge poundages and the ends of the muscle are not of equal strength, injury will most likely result. 

This area (tendon and ligament) can be developed by including some type of isometric concentrated sustained drives and by heavy supports. We are talking about various support movements, and partial or 1/4 movements. Tremendous poundages will be handled in these movements so it would be a very good idea to use aa power rack for this type of training. 

For building maximum sijze and strength in these areas, consider using repetitions between 5 to 9 and use extremely heavy poundages. Since you will be applying absolute maximum of energy and effort it would be wise to stay within 2 to 3 sets of one or two support movements.To allow for maximum recovery it is necessary for maximum results, it would be best to use these movements once or twice per week. Later I will give you an account of how you can include some ligament and strength training in your programs. [I'm betting it'll be based on what the author learned from Chuck Sipes]. 


Probably one of the most frequently asked questions by beginners in bodybuilding is, "What is the proper way to breathe when exercising with the weights?" 

At this time I would like to deal with this very important subject. Holding the breath for prolonged periods of time or the inabily to breathe properly causes the blood to back up in the veins. This in turn builds up unnatural pressures within them which may result in dizziness or blackout from exhaustion and lack of oxygen.


1) When performing heavy movements (squats, deadlifts, etc.) in which it is difficult to breate, take in short, quick gasps of air between reps to build up a reservoir of oxygen in the blood. This is called hyperventilating. Breathe in just before the lift and begin breathing out approximately 2/3 (or near the sticking point of the lift) of the way through the movement. This practice will relieve intrathoracic or abdominal pressures. Exhale fully when you reach an erect position. 

2) With lighter exercise movements breathe thythmically to the tempo of the exercise. During a curl, for example, inhale deeply prior to gthe start of the curl and exhale as the bar is lowered. This breathing technique sets the respiratory and cardiovascular system for the effort. As well, this deep breathing helps remove all the impurre air and toxins from the system.

3) Last -- always breathe through the mouth rather than the nose. This will allow for more oxygen to reach the lung cavities. Do please breathe through the nose when not lifting, as we really don't want people to view weightlifters as mouthbreathing droolers without a clue. Thank You! 


Muscular soreness is frequently experienced in the various progressive levels of bodybuilding. Beginners find that when they exercise vigorously for the very first time, their muscles become very sore. This is to be expected because the muscles are being subjected to a totally new experience. Advanced bodybuilders may experience soreness by adding more poundage to the exercise or more repetitions. Sometimes it's just doing an exercise that you haven't done for a few months or tackling a new exercise you have never done, that seem to promote muscular soreness even though the same muscle may be able to handle some other activity without any problem. If you are out of condition from an extended layoff you will more than likely suffer from muscular soreness.

Depending on the individual and the pain producing factors, this soreness will sometimes begin to be apparent near the end of the workout. Other times you won't feel this pain till the day after the vigorous training session. This condition may last for some days to follow.

All of these mentioned conditions are similar, because the muscles involved are being subjected to a new experience, or maybe onethat you haven't experienced for some time.

What causes this muscular soreness? There are a number of factors we must look at: 

1) The UNTRAINED muscle fibers carry out a series of contractions which actually rupture many of the fibers. This results in an accumulation of broken down cells and waste products.

2) Muscle activity requires the burning of "fuel" to provide energy for muscle contractions. This energy source comes to the muscle in the frorm of glycogen. With this, oxygen is used, and caarbon dioxide wastes and othe fatigue poisons are produced after the initial muscle contraction.

3) The accumulation of waste products combines with the growth or swelling of thte cells which in turn pinches the nerve endings in the muscle fibers. The result is an existing pain barrier.

A muscle must be trained often (Ref: RECOVERY ABILITY). The reason for this is because as you continue to do certain exercises over a period of time, your muscle fibers learn to work togetehr and there is less and less cell destruction due to lack of coordination of the muscle fibers.This is called neuromuscular coordination. In other words, both the nerve and muscle are involved.

I believe now that you can undjerstand wny even an advanced bodybuilder will experience the pain barrier. This is due to the continual striving to handle more weight, perform more reps, etc. When a muscle is receiving its proper rest, broken muscle cells 


Not enough sleep, forcing yourself past your present physical limitation, injuries, poor recuperation powers, poor or inconsistent nutritional habits -- these are some of the other considerations that one must observe when relating to muscular soreness. I will deal with each of these areas in explicit detail futher into the text.

Your speed of recovery can be improved by plenty of relaxation hot showers or bath. The bath or hot shower will help to throw off waste products through the sweat glands. Heat lamps, sun, Vitamin C, and Icy Hot or Boho Rub-in-a-Bottle are also very good prescriptions. Muscular soreness is usually exerpienced from 2 to 6 days. 

Next: Notes on Training Staleness. 

Enjoy Your Lifting!        


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