Saturday, April 24, 2021

Strength Building Schedules - Harry Paschall


Continued From Here:

We are now arrived at the point where we must lay aside our pens and take up the barbell. This is the point in physical training when pure theory must be replaced by practical advice. And we are now in a better position to sympathize with those former professors of ours who warned us in our schooldays that there was a slight difference between theory and practice

In approaching the problem of a strength-building schedule we must realize that each individual will require individual handling, and it is impossible to lump all trainees into one classification and prescribe a perfect, foolproof course of instruction that will work in exactly the same manner for everyone. You, therefore, will have to make your own adjustments in the schedules we are about to give you.

Let us begin by recapitulating our aims. 
First, our principal object is to build strength.  

Second, realizing that strength and physical fitness must go hand in hand, we are also concerned in giving you a routine that will improve your organic physical condition and promote stamina. 

Third, believing a strong man should look strong, we should like to include in our training sufficient shape building exercises to ensure a well muscled, shapely body.

This leads us to consideration of the various exercises by classification, and perhaps we may clarify our future choice of exercises in our schedules by arranging these various movements under three general headings:
Shaping exercises
Conditioning exercises
Strength-building exercises. 
1) Shaping Exercises
Leg Raises 
Side Bends
2) Conditioning Exercises
Squats (high repetitions)
Bouncing Split
Stiff-legged Deadlift and Shrug
Squat While Pressing Behind Neck
Squat with Weight Held Overhead
3) Strength-Building Exercises
All Supporting Lifts
Shoulder Shrug
Dead Lift
Leg Press
Heavy Squats
Cleans (pull-in to shoulders)
Handstand Pushups
Dumbbell Presses
In concocting our various schedules we have tried to apportion these various exercises so that in each routine we have at least one conditioning exercise, two or three shaping movements and five or six strength-builders.
Having now cautioned you in the official manner that all I am about to say may be used against me, let us blithely leap in where angles fear to tread.
Schedule No. 1
This is arranged to suit a pupil who can do one Press with 125 pounds, one Squat with 200 pounds, and one Dead Lift with 350.
Warmup - 
5 or 6 fast Pull-Up-and-Press, or Flip Snatches, without moving feet. 
1) Stiff-legged Dead Lift and Shrug - 
125 pounds x 10 repetitions. 
2) Squat - 
150x5, 160x4, 170x3, 180x2, 190x1, 180x2, 170x3, 160x4, 150x5.
3) Pullover - 
40 x 15.
4) Support Exercise - Barbell hangs from ceiling suspended on cable (or in rack) at about shoulder height. Get under in split position and raise the weight to full arms' length above head with legs straight, arms should be locked to start.
200x5, 210x4, 220x3, 230x2, 240x1.
5) Side Bend - 
 40 x 10 (each side)
6) Pull-up Cleans, without moving feet - 
120x5, 130x4, 140x3, 150x2, 160x1, 150x2, 140x3, 130x4, 120x5.
7) Leg Raise - 20 reps.
8) Overhead Squat - 
50x5, 60x4, 70x3, 80x2, 90x1, 80x2, 70x3, 60x4, 50x5.
9) Alternate Dumbbell (seesaw) Press - 
Pair of 30's x 5, 35x4, 40x3, 50x1, 45x2, 40x3, 35x4, 30x5.
10) Swingbell Curl, seated - 
3 x 10 reps. 
This schedule is intended for three workouts per week, with a day of rest between each exercise day. The technique might be called the "work up and down" method. 
Weight Progression: Add 5 pounds to weight of barbell, 2.5 pounds to dumbbells each week, except in the case of Exercise 4, where 10 pounds may be added. Continue this schedule for six weeks, then rest one week (complete rest from all weight training), then proceed to Schedule 2.
Schedule No. 2
In undertaking Schedule No. 2, after the week of complete rest from lifting, we go back somewhat in amount of weight handled, in order to get a "running start." The technique, too, is changed to that of the "Heavy and Light" method.
Warmup - Pull-Up-and-Press or Flip Snatch - 
75 pounds x 5-6.

1) Overhead Squat - 
75 x 10.

2) Deadlift on Blocks - 
350x3, 325x5, 300x5 x 3 sets.

3) Side Bend - 

4) Support - 
same as No.4, Schedule 1 - 
250x3, 225x3, 200x5 x 3 sets. 

5) Leg Raise - 
x 20.

6) Pullup (high pull) to Chin - 
100x3, 90x5, 80x5 x 3 sets. 
7) Shoulder Shrug from Supports - 
350x3, 325x5, 300x5 x 3 sets.
8) Bent Arm Pullover - 
80x3, 70x5, 60x5 x 3 sets.

9) Handstand Pushup - 
3 x as many reps as possible.

10) Swingbar Seated Curl - 
70x3, 60x5, 50x5 x 3 sets.

Same progression as in Schedule 1. Add 5 lbs. to barbell each week, 2.5 to swingbell, 10 pounds to barbell in Ex. 4 and 7. Train for six weeks, then rest one week as before. 

Schedule 3 typifies another exercise technique, employing the set or series system. Here, too, we go back slightly after our week of rest from lifting in order to gather momentum.

Schedule No. 3

Warmup - Pull-Up-and-Press or Flip Snatch - 
85 pounds x 5-6.
1) Bouncing Split - 
80 pounds x 10 each leg.
2) Support - Hold bar in front shoulders as for Jerk, and make short, bouncy 1/4 squat movements.
250x1. Repeat with rest interval 8 to 12 times.
3) Side Bend - 
50x10 each side.
4) Squat - Full, heavy single deep knee bend - 
225x1. Repeat with rest interval 8-12 times.
5) Pullover - 
6) High Pull to Chin - 
110x1. Repeat 8-12 times.

7) Leg Raise - 
x 20.

8) Dumbbell Press - 
70's x 1. Repeat 8-12 times.

9) Curl, barbell - 
110 x 1. Repeat 8-12 times.
If you follow thus far, you have been training for 27 weeks, or more than half a year, and you should notice a marked increase in power. You have also found out a few things about your own body. Perhaps you found there were too many exercises, and that you had to cut down on repetitions. Perhaps, too, you found that the method employed in a certain schedule better fitted your particular needs, i.e., you may be better geared to the Heavy and Light system than to the work-up-and-work-down method, or perhaps the series or set system fits you better than the single rep - rest pause method. 
As you go into higher and higher poundages you will also find that you may need more rest between workouts, and that twice a week workouts are preferable. Also, at the higher levels, you will need to cut down the number of exercises, which you can do with safety after you have built up a certain reserve of strength, shape and fitness.

For those who seek great strength, yet are unable to construct supporting equipment for the heavy power-building exercises such as the split support over head, the leg press, etc., we suggest that you use ordinary squat racks, or have the weight handed to you by two fellow trainees, and instead of supporting the weight overhead, hold it either in front or behind the the neck on the shoulders. However, we are convinced that for the ultimate in power some such supporting apparatus as we have indicated is a vital necessity. 
Experiments in Strength Building, by Harry Paschall (1951):

Enjoy Your Lifting!



















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