Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Rest Pause and 1-1/2 Reps Peary Rader (1963)

Okay . . . to the 1,939th post . . . lead on from the beyond, Peary! 

I would say that most of the top physique men are men of intelligence, experience and balanced training programs -- programs that not only produce great strength but also fine physiques. 

They make demands on their muscles through increased poundages rather than simply pumping the muscles to excess. They use heavy poundages, fairly low reps and several sets spaced properly for blood circulation, not strangulation. 

 - Strangulation? The idea of using "Artificially Applied Circulation Techniques" a.k.a. AAC methods still strikes me as crazy shit. 

There's a small mention of it here in a calf article by John Grimek. Look for the paragraph that includes "most asinine theory". 


And here, Tony Ditillo relates his use of a less absurd, topical analgesic rub for a non-tourniquet version for developing his forearms with AAC: 


This brings us to the system under discussion -- the famed Rest/Pause System, brought to readers of Iron Man some years ago by Charles Ross and developed my him from a long study of controlled medical experiments in muscle building. 

Since his presentation, many readers of Iron Man and bodybuilders all over the world have made the Rest/Pause System their major method of bodybuilding.

The value of Rest/Pause is that it conserves energy and permits blood circulation to the exercises muscles during the exercise itself, thus preventing muscular exhaustion and waste matter congestion in the tissues. It also permits the use of very heavy poundages and cultivates added muscle size of a permanent nature. There is no excessive pump of flushing of the muscles, but there is normal circulation between each repetition to prevent congestion and to carry away waste matter. The muscle is cleansed and fed during the exercise, and the trainee is fresh after a workout, not exhausted. 

Let's take the squat as an example. 

Everyone knows of the superior bodybuilding qualities of the deep knee bend or squat when practiced with heavy weights and a considerable number of repetitions. There is one very important factor involved in the performance of this exercise if maximum benefits are to be achieved. It must be performed with about three to six deep breaths BETWEEN EACH REPETITION. This not only supplies the blood with much needed oxygen at a time of maximum exertion but it furnishes the muscles with a much needed "rest/pause" between repetitions. 

Herein lies the secret in part of the amazing results obtained from performing the squat. Some men have gained 30 pounds in one month's time from doing the exercise in this manner. 

It seems so natural to perform the squat in this way. No other exercise lends itself so naturally to Rest/Pause without special arrangement and special equipment. For this reason, very few people have performed their other exercises in this fashion. it is rather easy to "rest" between repetitions of the squat. You can even relax the muscles of the legs and hips somewhat while resting between repetitions, without replacing the bar on the rack. This is a little more difficult with many of the other exercises.  

By adding the 1-1/2 system to Rest/Pause training, we increase the effectiveness of each set, because the 1-1/2 system (as developed and introduced by Bruce Page), makes use of the rebound and short movement method so helpful in building quality muscle. 

The 1-1/2 system is  performed by doing a full repetition followed by a half repetition. This half rep incorporates the rebound principle which places unusual demands on the muscle and thus hastens the development of  size and strength. When combined with Rest/Pause, the 1-1/2 system can produce amazing results. 

Some fellows watch a clock with a large second hand when doing rest/pause, others will simply count so many times, or else take so many deep breaths between reps to time their rest intervals. 

Let's take the bench press as an example of the 1-1/2 system combined with Rest/Pause. The weight can be loaded to quite a heavy poundage because, although you are going to do 10 repetitions, you will be resting between each. 

Simply lie on the bench, take the bar at arms' length and make one strict rep. Before racking the weight, do a half repetition - down half way, then back up to lockout.

After the half rep, rack the weight and time yourself for 8 to 10 seconds. This count should start the moment the bar settles on the racks. As you reach the 10 count, you should have the bar back in hand, ready for the second 1-1/2 repetition.

Perhaps you may find it easier to time your 10 second interval between reps by taking four deep breaths. This takes about 10 seconds. Three may be better as time is lost racking and unracking the bar. During the rest period, give your arms a few shakes to loosen the muscles and permit the blood to flow more freely.

The deadlift is another exercise which adapts to the Rest/Pause and 1-1/2 systems very well. Do one complete rep and follow it with a half rep, then lower the bar to the floor and begin your breathing. Doing the deadlift in the regular style for many repetitions makes it an unpleasant exercise, since the pressure of the arms against the rib cage can make breathing difficult and usually the grip of the hands gives out before you can give the back a good workout.   

With the Rest/Pause and 1-1/2 systems, these problems disappear, for you can breathe freely between sets and give your hands a rest. Incidentally, the 1-1/2 system is actually the incorporation of what is known as a dead hang in lifting language. Dead hangs are considered a very important part of the power training of a lifter.

At the end of 8 to 10 repetitions of the bench press or deadlift with the Rest/Pause and the 1-1/2 system, you should not feel exhausted and worn out, nor will your muscles feel pumped up to the bursting point. But don't worry. You will develop size and strength rapidly from this type of training.

We are making no attempt to outline a complete program here, but only to describe the application of Rest/Pause and 1-1/2 systems so that you can build up your own program. 

Six to eight exercises work best with this system. You may want to start out with the bench press, bentover row, curl, squat, deadlift, calf raise, triceps press and, if necessary, the situp. As you learn the system you may want to add or discard some exercises. 

Note - again, this idea can be incorporated into your workouts. You don't necessarily have to do everything rest/pause 1/1/2 rep style to make use of the idea. All of nothing's for fools.  

In due time, you can work into several sets with this system. You can take about a five minute rest between sets, and, if you wish, vary the repetitions from 5 to 8 - especially if you do several sets. For the first week, however, don't worry too much about poundages. You will need to develop a system of timing, breathing and resting. Eventually, you will work up to very heavy weights, thus making increased demands on your muscles for powerful quality muscularity.  



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