Saturday, November 10, 2018

Three Lift Random Rotation Routine (Nine Week Peak) - Greg Reshel

Dave McQuillan lifting in Moldova, 2014.

More articles by Greg Reshel here:

Upper Back Training for Powerlifters, in five parts: 


If you like to train aggressively you will love these routines. If you like to challenge yourself with new training ideas and maybe don't like getting stuck in a rut with the same old routines every time, you must try peaking with this routine. Your body will never be able to adapt to it and your mind will have to be tough to stay with the program. After completing this program a three lift meet will be a breeze!  

You will need to adapt to doing low rep sets in the big three lifts as your primary stabilization work and you will enjoy this routine as it has a lot of variety to keep you from getting bored. If you have hit a plateau or are beginning again after a layoff, this routine will sharpen your skills and increase your conditioning as you peak your strength.

The fact that the random rotation routine is aggressive dictates that you do not peak longer than nine weeks or you will likely be overtraining. The random rotation routine will ask you to do some sets with very little rest in between. We want you to finish the first set indicated and, after putting the weight down, count to 10 and immediately begin the next set. All this will become obvious as we explain the details of the routine.  

Keep accessory work to a minimum and keep it light for this routine is too challenging to allow yourself to have anything left for more heavy work. We like to keep this style routine simple in its overall pattern but mix up the sets and reps to keep you on your toes. We have learned to love the random rotation routine for its effectiveness and yet we are humbled by the work involved. If you have the guts than follow along with me as we explore the random rotation routine. 

I will use a 30 year old man weighing 165 pounds as the subject for this presentation. If you are young and/or highly conditioned you will have to push through this routine as fast as you can to get the most out of it. If you are older, a novice, or deconditioned, you will need to move somewhat more slowly through the workout. This random rotation routine will work for nearly everyone provided they push through it as quickly as possible. 

My subject has: 
400 squat
260 bench
450 dead.

These are the max numbers I will use to determine the set/rep tables. You will perform the squat on one day with leg assistance work (I will only indicate the squat and leave the assistance work out of it because it will differ too much with each individual case). You will perform the deadlift next, two or three days later, with back assistance work. You will perform the bench press two days later with upper body assistance work. 

Highly conditioned athletes should throw in a 4th day of whole body assistance work on the day before you squat. I will show three days per week and the set/rep schedules for each of the three powerlifts. To change the numbers to fit your maximum abilities simply divide your maximum by the max lifts of our subject. Then take the resulting number and multiply it by each of the numbers in the tables to determine your personal set/rep schedule.   

The schedule will show two working set "groups" for each training day in each powerlift. The principle is to perform multiple sets at the weight indicated with as little rest as possible (10 seconds is a target time)

Rest 2-5 minutes between working set groups and then perform group set number 2 with as little time between sets as possible at the target weight indicated. Do not change the weight in a working set group between individual sets. Use full gear. If you are squatting and are wrapped tight with suit up and belt tight, do not remove any equipment between sets in a working set group. If you are in full gear for your squats, resting longer than 10 seconds will not help you as it will only deplete circulation. Keep your gear on and rest only long enough to re-rack the weight and get a couple of breaths. In the bench press, sit up and breathe and then lay back down right away. 

This is tougher mentally than physically as you will not feel strong on the last set of a working set group. You have to be AGGRESSIVE, STAY SHARP, and DIG DEEP to complete the working set groups! 

Remember . . . squat on one day, deadlift 2-3 days later, and bench press 2 days after your deadlift. 

Your back will not be fresh for bench press day so you will have to concentrate even harder to get good form. You may feel flat while training sometimes, but you will get hellaciously strong and mentally tough, which can only IMPROVE your meet performance. 

Good Luck!     

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