Sunday, November 5, 2017

Definition - John McCallum

Originally Published in This Issue (June 1968)

Frank Zane

We're going to wrap up the definition thing this month. Or at least for the time being. We'll do an intensified program, using running, P.H.A., and the definition diet. The purpose will be to trim off any excess blubber you have left, and get you ready for advanced work. 

As I explained before, the route to a championship physique isn't just a straight, uninterrupted climb in body weight. The best method is to progress through a series of gradually ascending plateaus. You bulk up till you start looking a little soft. Not like a pail of lard, but just a little on the smooth side. Next, you cut down your waist and hips and harden up all over. Then, you start increasing your bulk again from your new base. Repeat this process several times and you'll own an advanced, herculean body.

This routine will be tough. Work hard at it, though, and next month you'll be ready for some very advanced bulking and shaping.

You'll work out six days per week. Use PHA training. We haven't space to explain PHA again. If you don't understand it, read the past two issues of this magazine. 
 - Or search this blog. 

On Monday/Wednesday/Friday, do the following: 

Group One:

1) Front Squat, 8 reps.
Put a 2x4 under your heels so you can maintain better balance and an erect posture. Squat all the ways down. Keep your elbows high and the bar well back on your deltoids. Reg Park is good at this exercise. Think of Park's thighs while you're squatting.

2) Incline Dumbbell Curl, 10 reps.   
This was a favorite of Steve Reeves. Let the weights go all the way down, and lift your elbows high at the top of the movement. 

3) Calf Raise, 20 reps.
Good calves are indispensable to the advanced physique. Get a full stretch at the bottom and try to cramp your calves at the top.

4) Twisting Sit-Ups on Incline Board, 30 reps.
Twist your right elbow towards your left knee at the top of the sit-up. Roll back down and reverse the procedure for the next rep. Alternate right and left for each rep. Work hard. You want nice, crisp abdominals by the end of the month.

5) One-Arm Military Press, 10 reps.
Maintain as erect a position as possible. Concentrate on style. Do it properly and you'll build superb deltoids.

That completes the first group. Run through it five times in PHA style. Use a light weight for your first set, heavier for your second set, and all you can handle for the last three sets.

As soon as you finish go on to the next group.

Group Two:

1) Incline Dumbbell Press, 10 reps.
Clarence Ross popularized this exercise years ago. Use very heavy dumbbells. You should be able to handle something in the neighborhood of 100s. Keep the weights well out to the sides on the bottom of the movement.

2) Pulldown on Lat Machine, 12 reps.
Take a wide grip and pull the bar low. Pull it to about the level of your chest. Let it give your lats a good stretch at the top.

3) Side Bend, 30 reps.
Do one side at a time. Hold the weight in your hand and do 30 reps, then switch hands and do 30 on the other side. Bend very slightly backwards when you're lowering the weight, and very slightly forward when you're raising it.

4) Triceps Pressdown, 10 reps.
This is an excellent one for your arms. Use a close grip and do it in good style.

5) Lateral Raise, 12 reps. 
Use a moderate amount of weight. Hold the high position for a split second and try to cramp your deltoids. Don't swing the weights up. Raise and lower them smoothly.

That's all for Group Two. Run through it five times the same as Group One.

Group Three

1) Chins, 12 reps.
Do these in regular style. Use a close, underhand grip and pull up till your chin is above the bar. Get a dead hang on the bottom. Bill Pearl does a lot of chinning in his routines. If you get to look anything like Pearl, you won't be doing too bad.

2) Concentration Curl, 10 reps.
The weight isn't too important. Use flawless style and try to cramp your biceps.

3) Hanging Leg Raise, 12 reps.
This is a tough exercise for your gut, but it's one of the best if you can manage it. Hang dead from the bar. Don't bend your knees or elbows. Raise your legs until your toes touch the bar. Bend your knees a little if you have to, but try and get so you can do it with straight legs. This has a terrific effect on your lower abdomen.

4) Flye, 12 reps.
Do these on a flat bench. Bend your arms very slightly to take the strain off the elbows. Let the weights go way out and down. You should feel a real pull in your pecs if you're doing it properly.

5) Standing French Press (Barbell Triceps Extension), 10 reps.
A fellow named John McWilliams popularized this exercise many years ago. To the best of my knowledge he was the first man to develop arms of over 20" in muscular condition. See what you can do with it. Use a moderate weight till you get used to the exercise, then start boosting the poundage.

That completes Group Three. Run through it five times, exactly the same as Groups One and Two. When you finish go right to the next group.

Group Four

1) Upright Row, 12 reps
This is a very good one for the traps and shoulder area. Take a close grip. Stand erect. Pull the bar till it passes your chin. Don't heave the weight. Use strict style.

2) Dips, 10 reps.
Probably the best upper body exercise of them all. Hang weights around your waist to increase the resistance. You should try to work up to around 100 pounds in good style. One of the best upper bodies of all time was largely built by this exercise. 

3) Seated Twist, 30 reps.
Hold an empty bar across your shoulders and twist 30 times to each side. Twist around as far as you can. You want to cut all the lard off your sides and lower back.

4) Wide Grip Chin Behind Neck, 10 reps.
Take as wide a grip as you can and do it slowly and steadily. Dead hang at the bottom.

5) Lying Triceps Extension, 10 reps.
This is something like the French Press except you do it lying on a bench. Use a medium width grip.

That's all for Group Four. Do it the same as the others - five times through.

When you finish the PHA workout, do the running routine outlined in an earlier article. 


You may not feel like running after you finish the workout. Run anyway. Nobody said looking like Mr. America was easy. It's not. But you'll find it well worth the extra effort. 

Run on a circular track if there's one handy. Run around the block if you'd rather. You should have your endurance built up enough to run for a half hour or so.

On Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday do the following: 

Start of with the running routine. You want to log in as many miles as possible this moth, so go all out on it. Don't worry about your speed. Concentrate on distance and try to increase it every workout.

Don't neglect your running and don't underestimate its value. It's tied in with your training for a definite purpose. How well you do with your future training will depend to a large extent on the effort you put out this month.  

When you finish the running routine, do the following exercises, one set each: 

1) Sit-ups. 
As many reps as possible to a maximum of 100. Use a flat board. If you can make 100 reps, then incline the board slightly. Don't arch your back. Roll up and down like a rug being rolled and unrolled.

2) Side Bends.
100 reps each side. Hold the weight in one hand and do 100 reps. Then hold it in the other hand and repeat. If you find it difficult to hold a dumbbell for that many reps, just use the plates. Tie a piece of rope through them and loop it around your wrist. That'll take the strain off your grip and let you concentrate on burning fat off your obliques.

3) Pushups.
Put your feet on a chair and your hands on two benches. Drop as low as you can between the benches. When it gets easy, tie on weights for additional resistance.

4) Leg Raises.
As many as possible to a maximum of 100. Do them off the end of a bench so your feet can go way down at the bottom of the movement.


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