Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Functional Anatomy - Immaculate Dissection (2017)

This is a so much better than the standard anatomy charts!
Even a dimwit like me can understand and SEE the functions and points being made.

I kid you not . . . check out some of the sample videos at that link.

Kathy Dooley, Anna Folckomer & Danny Quirk
Immaculate Dissection: Functional Anatomy Featuring Body Painting

In this 88-minute video, educators Kathy Dooley and Anna Folckomer bring anatomy to life through Danny Quirk’s unique body painting.

The goal of the Immaculate Dissection team is to help people visualize muscles by showing them how to feel muscles at work in their own bodies. In this lecture video, they demonstrate using Danny’s painted musculature on Jake Altman’s body.

Then they show how muscles lengthen and then shorten as they move him through various positions.
Finally, they talk the audience through the movements so they can feel the described motion for themselves—and this is where you can follow along at home. Gaining a deeper understanding of anatomy is easier when you can see and feel it, and Kathy, Anna and Danny are here to help you see and feel for yourself.

 - The connections between the discussed muscle groups and their surrounding areas
 - What happens during efficient breathing
 - What dysfunctional breathing might look like
 - Concentric and eccentric loads during breathing
 - Where to look first when a patient has hip pain
 - The first two steps in addressing a scapulothoracic problem
 - Immaculate Dissection pendulum rotation drills
 - Serratus anterior attachments and interdigitation, and its ability to rotate the scapulae in both upward and downward directions 
 - What happens to the serratus anterior when the scapulae are protracted or retracted 
 - A view of the serratus anterior when the scapula is winged
 - How the serratus anterior can be inhibited
 - In-depth discussion of the iliacus and psoas

 - Getting a visual of insertions, origins, attachments and blood supply of the discussed muscle groups 
 - Intrinsic vs extrinsic core—what’s the difference and which muscles are involved in each
 - Breathing and muscle positions during the breath, and understanding the muscle positions during cuing
 - A discussion of ASIS, the pubic tubercle, the inguinal ligament and the round ligament
 - Sagittal, frontal and transverse planes and x, y and z axis motion for each of the discussed muscle groups
 - Sources of common pain problems in the hip 
 - Finding the trochanter and lesser trochanter
 - A common hip problem found in adults who start walking too quickly in their early developmental stages
 - Hip compression and decompression—when is each good?
 - How to train hip compression and decompression 
 - How to stretch the iliacus

 - Feeling the discussed muscles in motion

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