Tuesday, October 18, 2016


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I can't really count how many times Dave Draper's writing has influenced my day. There'll be the bad ones, when I really don't have the sand to get warmed up and work out. If you're training hard enough you know we all get that now and then. For a while back in the past, I would get a cup of coffee and read one of Dave's articles . . . and just see where it went from there.

Now, after years of catching the lifting bug from these well chosen words, I get a coffee, read an article and lace up my lifting shoes while doing it. Hey, Dependable Dave doesn't just get you to work out with these words, he makes you WANT to do it, and want it bad in a good way. Count on it. That's the deal here. He's a wee bit of a hypnotist with those words of his. Real sly guy. Not so much the whip, more like the candy stick. I mean, if you're a lifter you LIKE to lift, and all you need is a reminder of the whys now and then.

Dave can find 10,000 ways to do just that and I kid you not.

Highly recommended. And not just for motivation! These articles are a great read for lifters anytime.