Sunday, May 17, 2015

Bench Routines - Pat Casey, Ted Arcidi

Pat Casey's 600-pound Bench Program


Bench Press:
Warmup - 1 x 10-15
Medium Weight - 3 x 3
95% of Max - 6 sets of 1 rep
Medium Weight - 3 x 3
Pump Set - 1 x 20

Lying Barbell Triceps Extension:
Warmup - 1 x 20
Heavy - 8 sets of 3 reps
Medium - 1 x 5


Incline Dumbbell Press:
Warmup - 1 x 12
Heavy - 5 sets of 4-5 reps
Pump Set - 1x 20

No Weight - 1 x 10
Heavy - 8 sets of 3 reps
Medium - 1 x 10


Bench Press:
Same as Monday

Lying Barbell Triceps Extension superset with Dips:
Extensions, warmup - 1 x 10
Dips, warmup - 1 x 10
Extensions superset with Dips - 5 x 5 each.

Ted Arcidi's Big Bench Routine


Bench Press:
405 - 420, 3 sets of 5 reps

Seated Behind the Neck Press:
260 x 5
275 x 5
300 x 5

Lying EZ Triceps Extension to Nose:
340 x 6
350 x 6

EZ Barbell Curl
160 - 195, 3 sets of 6 reps

Lat Pulldown:
235 - 240, 3-4 x 10


Bench Press:
560 - 570, 3 sets of 6 reps

Seated Behind the Neck Press:
225 x 3 x 6

The rest is the same as Monday


(not including warmups)
550 x 1 set of 5 reps

540 - 620 x 1 set of 5 reps

Seated Behind the Neck Press:
335 x 3
365 x 3

Preparation-phase Training

Goes light on the bench presses and medium on the presses behind neck.

Sometimes does lat pulldowns on this day rather than Monday. Other than that Tuesday is a rest day.

Complete rest and relaxation. 

Goes heavy on the bench presses and light on the presses behind neck.

Occasionally will perform lat pulldowns on this rest day rather than on Thursday.

Heavy intensity on the presses behind neck.

This off-season prep phase lasts for four to five months.
He always controls the speed of each repetition.
Rests five to six minutes between sets of the three powerlifts.
Rests two to three minutes between sets of the assistance work.

Competition-phase Training 

Begins approximately 10 to 11 weeks before a scheduled meet.

First Three Weeks:
Uses a repetition pattern of 6 reps on the bench press, day 2 only.

Second Three Weeks:
Uses a repetition pattern of 5 reps on the bench press, day 2 only.

Final Five Weeks:
Begins to adapt to 3 reps and then uses a combination of threes and twos during the final two weeks of the cycle on bench presses, day 2 only.
Does forced reps occasionally.
Performs the last heavy workout 10 days before the meet.

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