Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Arm Specialization -- Steve Holman


There are different exercise choices in these two arm specialization programs, aimed at gaining width with the one routine, and peak/sweep with the other. Let's put these two programs to work in workouts that will keep your other bodyparts growing, but preserve enough recovery ability to feed and fuel your arm specialization workouts so they'll grow! 

The two different arm routines should be alternated -- width at one arm workout, peak/sweep at the next. This means you can plug these programs into just about any routine. Nevertheless, we want to give you a full routine with the arm workouts in place so you can see how everything fits together. 

The program is basically using the three Positions of Flexion for each bodypart, but doing only one all-out work set, more often than not with X Reps, defined here: 

It's a three-way split, with workouts on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Take Thursdays and weekends off, train legs only once a week on Tuesday, and the two upper body workouts rotate over Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 

Plugging in the arm specialization workouts makes an excellent six to eight week specialization phase that should result in greater arm size and quality. Go all out and don't forget the X Reps. 

Delts, Midback, Biceps, Forearms

Seated Laterals/Upright Rows* -  1 x 9-12

One Arm Cable Laterals or
Incline One Arm Laterals - 1 x 9-12

Forward Lean Laterals - 1 x 9-12

Dumbbell Presses* - 1 x 9-12

Bentover Laterals - 1 x 12-15

Machine Rows* - 1 x 9-12

V Handle Cable Rows or
One Arm Dumbbell Rows - 1 x 9-12

Bent Arm Bentover Laterals - 1 x 12-15

Biceps Width: Inner Head Emphasis

Wide Grip Preacher or
Cable Curls* (bottom X Reps) - 2 x 9-12

Incline Curls (bottom X Reps or Static X) - 1 or 2 x 9-12

One Arm Spider Curls (top X Reps) - 1 or 2 x 12-15

Behind the Back Wrist Curls - 1x12-15 ->
Rockers - 1 x 12-15 ->
Forearm Bar Reverse Wrist Curls - 1 x 10-12 

NOTE: Because the two upper body workouts rotate over Monday, Wednesday and Frisday, if this workout falls on Friday, do regular deadlifts instead of back work; follow it with one set of any type of row. 

*Do 1-3 light warmup sets with about 50% of your work weight on the first, 60% on the second, and 80% on the third prior to your work sets. 

Quads, Hamstrings, Calves, Lower Back

Leg Extension (warmup) - 2 x 10

Squat* - 1 x 10-12

Sissy Squat - 1 x 10-12

Leg Extension - 1 x 12-15

Lunges - 1 x 10-12

Stiff Legged Deadlifts - 1 x 10-12

Leg Curls - 1 x 12-15

Knee-Extension Leg Press Calf Raise - 1 x 15-18

Leg Press Calf Raise (knees locked) - 1 x 12-15

Standing Calf Raise or One Legged Raise - 1 x 20-25

Seated Calf Raise - 1 x 12-15

Hyperextensions - 1 x 10-12

*See Above

Chest, Lats, Triceps, Abs

Incline Presses* - 1 x 9-12 

High Cable Flyes - 1 x 12-15

Bench Press - 1 x 9-12

Flat Flyes - 1 x 9-12

Wide Grip Dips - 1 x 9-12

Low Cable Flyes - 1 x 12-15

V Handle Pulldowns* - 1 x 9-12

Wide Grip Chins - 1 x 9-12

Machine or DB Pullovers - 1 x 9-12

Rope Rows - 1 x 12-15

Triceps Width: Outer Head Emphasis

Close Grip Bench Press* (bottom X Reps) - 2 x 9-12

Cable Pushouts (top end X Reps) - 1 x 9-12

Two Arm Kickbacks (Static X near top) - 1 or 2 x 12-15

Incline Kneeups (X Reps) - 1 x 10-15

Flat Bench Leg Raises - 1 x 10-15

Ab Bench Crunch - 1 x 7-9 ->
Twisting Crunch - 1 x 10-12 ->
End of Bench Kneeups - 1 x 8-10

NOTE: Same deal if the deadlift falls on this day as noted above. 

Delts, Midback, Biceps, Forearms

Seated Laterals/Upright Rows* -  1 x 9-12

One Arm Cable Laterals or
Incline One Arm Laterals - 1 x 9-12

Forward Lean Laterals - 1 x 9-12

Dumbbell Presses* - 1 x 9-12

Bentover Laterals - 1 x 12-15

Machine Rows* - 1 x 9-12

V Handle Cable Rows or
One Arm Dumbbell Rows - 1 x 9-12

Bent Arm Bentover Laterals - 1 x 12-15

Biceps Peak: Outer Head Emphasis

Narrow Grip Preacher or Cable Curls* (bottom X Reps) - 2 x 9-12

Concentration Curls (top X Reps) - 1 or 2 x 12-15

Incline Hammer Curls (bottom X Reps or Static X) - 1 or 2 x 9-12

Behind the Back Wrist Curls - 1 x12-15 ->
Rockers - 1 x 12-15 ->
Forearm Bar Reverse Wrist Curls - 1 x 10-12

Chest, Lats, Triceps, Abs

Incline Presses* - 1 x 9-12 

High Cable Flyes - 1 x 12-15

Bench Press - 1 x 9-12

Flat Flyes - 1 x 9-12

Wide Grip Dips - 1 x 9-12

Low Cable Flyes - 1 x 12-15

V Handle Pulldowns* - 1 x 9-12

Wide Grip Chins - 1 x 9-12

Machine or DB Pullovers - 1 x 9-12

Rope Rows - 1 x 12-15

Triceps Sweep: Long Head Emphasis

Lying Extension* (bottom X Reps) - 2 x 9-12

Overhead DB Extension (bottom X Reps) - 1 or 2 x 9-12

Pushdowns (X Reps near bottom) - 1 or 2 x 12-15

Incline Kneeups (X Reps) - 1 x 10-15

Flat Bench Leg Raises - 1 x 10-15

Ab Bench Crunch - 1 x 7-9 ->
Twisting Crunch - 1 x 10-12 ->
End of Bench Kneeups - 1 x 8-10


1) Do one to three warmup sets as listed. A warm muscle contracts up to 20% better than a cold muscle, so don't neglect this important ritual - and concentrate on each warmup set. 

2) Push your work sets to at least positive failure - until you can't do another rep with good form. On some sets continue with X-Rep (partials) EIGHT-INCH PULSES FROM THE SEMI-STRETCH POINT, such as near the bottom of an incline press, up to just about the halfway mark of the stroke. 

Note: Where to apply X-Reps is noted in the layout. 

if you can't do X-reps, do a Static Hold just out of the turnaround - the point at which you reverse the movement. 

3) The ideal rep speed is 1.5 seconds up, 1.5 seconds down; always keep your form strict - no momentum. For contracted-position exercises, the ones on which you do higher reps to end a bodypart, you may want to slow down the reps for more feel, a longer tension time and a bigger pump! 

4) Rest about 2.5 minutes between sets. 

5) After six weeks on this program, back off the intensity - USE THE SAME ROUTINE BUT stop every et two reps short of failure. Then you can go back to the intense version or another program. 

6) We train on Monday, Tuesday (legs), Wednesday and Friday, but you can train any days during the week. Try not to train more than three days in a row. Always take at least one day off after three workouts.

7) Do deadlifts on Friday as your back workout, followed by one set of a big midrange back exercise, as listed. 

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