Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Novice Program 2.0 - Jason Blaha 

Lifters often become confused, disappointed and disillusioned when it comes to their training and the lack of results they achieve. Here is an excellent layout, and I hope that anyone new to lifting will study the linked video repeatedly, along with the exercise demonstrations and explanations. 

Slightly more experienced lifters who have failed to realize the results they seek should also take a hard look at their training, and this layout as well. At times I find it's an excellent plan to go back to the beginning, to refresh with a basic layout, and to reinforce inspiration with some solid gains that can be achieved with the basics. If you're going nowhere and burning out getting there, this might help reset your mind and body. 

Older lifters as well, those who are not yet ready to only "tone" or forego their search for more strength and muscular bodyweight, could also benefit from this more basic form of training. 

It's important to study the video properly, and make certain you fully understand the starting weights, weight progression, and the 10% reset method and how and why it's applied. 

I guarantee it. For four to six months CONSISTENTLY eat appropriately, train along these lines, get sufficient sleep and you WILL be rewarded with excellent results.  

Enjoy Your Lifting!   

1 comment:

  1. Amazing routine ! Has there been a version 3?
