Friday, October 2, 2020

Freak Quest - Matt Wichlinski (2017)

An excerpt from this book . . . 
20 coaches, six months of strength and conditioning workouts: M


Much, much more here: 




by Matt Wichlinski (2017)
When Zach requested that I provide the Underground Strength Nation with a program, I knew I had to represent accordingly. I took his request and turned it into a FREAK-QUEST! 
Be warned . . . you will never be the same again.

You choose what tool you like to use for the program, such as a barbell, kettlebells, dumbbells, or sandbag. If you choose to  change tools, that's cool too, it's your quest. A single tool simplifies things, but nobody said you must keep it simple.

A barbell is great because you can easily micro-load the weight, but sometimes a barbell is not available or other tools feel more natural, and better for the given exercise. It is up to you and you can and should experiment to see what you like best and what is most effective. 

While the weight of a barbell can be easily adjusted, if you choose to use a sandbag or kettlebells, you may be limited to using a fixed weight. In which case, the progressions will  change slightly by not adding weight, but by adding your choice of reps, sets, or cutting down on resting time between sets. All options are awesome, but each has its own purpose.

Adding weight, adding volume, or decreasing rest will all intensify your training. Choose which direction you want to go based on your own goals and equipment availability.

 - We will begin every training session with one strength based exercise. 

 - This is a strength and conditioning program based around one major compound lift followed by a full body complex, every training day.

 - Rest a few minutes after the first exercise and start fresh and be warned - they are grueling. 

 - Check your ego when choosing a weight, but don't be a pussy, either. Challenge yourself. 

 - Perform each complex once per week for a total of four training sessions per week.

 - It will be a 6 week cycle.

Follow the strength progressions weekly, go by feel, adjust the sets and reps as stated, push hard, go heavy, but be safe. 
As for the complex progressions, start conservatively with the weight that you choose, and add a little each week. The first week take whatever rest you need to begin the next set and complete it without putting the weight down. Time your rest period, it is a starting point that you will try to beat in the future. 
Choose ONE method of progression; if you choose to progress in more than one area at a time it may get exponentially difficult and you set yourself up for failure. Every time you repeat the program, choose a different method of progression from the end of your last cycle.
A few progression choices are stated below.
Use only as a guide; choose your own progression weights, volumes, rest periods etc. For clarity the sets and reps are listed as Sets x Reps. All progressions are based off of  previous weeks performance.
Do not progress until you have completed all sets, reps and rest times without fail. If you fail, you will simply try harder next week with the same progression until you succeed. 
Feel free to substitute exercises based off of ability (sub back squats for front squats for example).
Week 1 - Foundation Week
Everybody starts in the same place. Where you progress from here is up to you.  

Strength - 5 x 5
A) weight progression (W) 5x5 - choose conservative starting weight
B) volume progression (V) 5x5 - 5 sets of 5 reps each movement (25 reps/set)
C) rest progression (R) 5x5 - 180 seconds rest between complexes

Week 2

Strength - 7 x 3
Complex - 
A) 5x5 - increase load 5%, same volume, same rest period
B) 5x6 - same load, increase volume, same rest (30 reps per set)
C) 5x5 - same load, same volume, decrease rest (-20 sec = 160 sec rest)
Week 3
Strength - 8 x 2
Complex - 
A) 5x5 - increase load 5%, same volume, same rest period
B) 6x6 - same load, increase volume, same rest (36 reps/set) 
C) 5x5 - same load, same volume, decrease rest (-20 sec = 140 sec rest)

Week 4

Strength - 5 x 5
Complex - 
A) 5x5 - increase load 5%, same volume, same rest period
B) 6x7 - same load, increase volume, same rest (42 reps/set)
C) 5x5 - same load, same volume, decrease rest (-20 sec = 120 sec rest)

Week 5

Strength - 7 x 3
Complex - 
A) 5x5 - increase load 5%, same volume, same rest period
B) 7x7 - same load, increase volume, same rest (49 reps/set)
C) 5x5 - same load, same volume, decrease rest (-20 sec = 100 sec rest)

Strength - 8 x2
Complex - 
A) 5x5 - increase load 5%, same volume, same rest period
B) 7x8 - same load, increase volume, same rest (56 reps/set)
C) 5x5 - same load, same volume, decrease rest (-20 sec = 80 sec rest)
Day 1
Strength - Front Squat or Back Squat (use same one for duration of cycle)
Complex A - Freak Quest Complex A
 - Hang Power Clean
 - Thruster
 - Jump Squat (bar on back)
 - Good Morning
 - Bentover Barbell Row
Day 2
Strength - Push Press
Complex B - 
 - Muscle Snatch
 - Push Press Behind Neck
 - Good Morning
 - Squat to Press Behind Neck
 - Bentover Row
 - RDL
 - Pushups
Day 3
Strength - Deadlift
Complex C -  
 - RDL
 - Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press (combo lift)
 - Reverse Lunge (alternate legs)
Day 4
Strength - 
Bench Press
Complex D - 
 - Jump Squat
 - Squat
 - Isometric Squats (hold pause at bottom for 5-10 sec, be honest and consistent)
 - Press
 - Push Press
 - Thruster (front squat to press)
As you can see, this program can easily last as short or as long as you want. I recommend going through the first 6 weeks using progression A for a strength cycle (load increase), then take a deload week and have fun with whatever you like, swimming, golfing, massaging, etc.
Upon return to training, proceed with preogresson B for a volume cycle (volume increase) for six weeks, deload, then repeat once more with progression C for a speed cycle (rest decrease) by chopping the rest interval down weekly. 

This will make a crazy 20 week plan guaranteed to FREAK you out! As I have stated already - BE WARNED - this gets intense fast so start conservative or be damned.
Have fun . . . enjoy your FREAK-Quest. 
Nicely set up, eh? You bet! 
There's plenty more where that came from, in the book above and at the main site.
Enjoy Your Lifting!





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