Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Vic Richards

Quite a physique! If you haven't heard of this man before you owe it to yourself to find some photos and check it out. Somewhat ahead of his time, you might say. Try to avoid reading any sleep inducing  criticism when you find sites with his photos. Too big, too smooth, too much drugs, not enough definition and on and on and on. Have a laugh at people who believe their comments, criticisms and views even reach the ears of anyone who's busy doing what they want to do and accomplishing what they want to accomplish. Here I'm not counting the whores selling falsified images under guise of free enterprise, something akin to the golden calf but their shit smells worse and it's bloody everywhere you look . . . SO DON'T FUCKING LOOK! It's the same story in life. Don't waste time and energy trying to please, impress, or best anyone else. There's a whole other perception that opens up once you leave all that tribal-societal crap behind for good. For your own good. The world becomes something quite different then, your mind functions at a much higher level, creativity soars and the meaning behind it all whispers in your ear at times. Just ask the ghost of Doug Hepburn late one night in the early morning hours.The inexpressible is precisely what it doesn't sound like. No one can find yours for you. Look closer. Is that a bush or a burning bush. What the fuck do you think I'm talking about.

It's incredibly simple to see from a view outside of yourself. Once you take on a group mindset you limit the depth and dimensions of your truthseeking. Once you allow the fear of thinking for yourself to be trodden on by the belief system of any tribal mindset, be it trainers, politicians, preachers, two-bit philosophers or ASSHOLES LIKE ME, you limit yourself enormously. Try to remember that the goal here, once you're beyond the childlike stages, is NOT to DO something, but to take what you can in the way of wisdom FROM THE DOING. Is that a bush or a burning bush. Hypertrophy or Epiphany? The more people and the more belief system cons you rely upon to gain that wisdom, the greater the chance of never really finding your own truth becomes. The mind. Go in 'er and out there on your own and stand alone.

Yes! It's the great human journey . . .
Right here on our Shakes-P stage:
Come on down and
Shave that ape off
Before your number's up.

On . . . off?
Down . . . up?

Quick historical note: In his day, Bill Shakespeare was known for owning a fine mastery of what we now call wordsmithery. At his peak, this phenomenal fellow's stage-celeb name, Shakey-B, could be seen knitted into the smocks and outergarments of many a young boy and girl.

Remember I mentioned Anthony Hopkins in the lead role of that BBC TWO presentation of King Lear 2018 a few posts back. "Bro, no. I just scan over everything but the lifting parts, and usually them too." I'm counting on that. So no worries!

Nonetheless and no matter, I got a chance to view that film today and one line stuck out:
"As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods . . ." Yes! Some of us heavily muscled and possessors of above average strength, but still flies on the back of this rabid dog we call earth, circling and cycling through time in search of its own tail. Or perhaps fleas. The wondrous flea circus of humanity, and the glory of all its proud little tricks! Only the games have been changed to protect the dissonant. Anyhow . . . 

Own your own
on your own. Free yourself of the petty ego-protection system you've had implanted in your mind since childhood. Stop being influenced by the false credentials of phonies selling their wares and think for yourself already.

And for Christ's Sake stop reading what I write.
All right, Reed? 

Okay. Vic Richards on Training!  

These points should be obvious, but if you watch people who want to gain muscle lifting, it often becomes obvious they get forgotten, lost along the way, or conveniently replaced with less demanding ways of training.

Here's some bits on training from an interview

I have one basic principle: Work as hard as you can.
I believe in training heavy on basic exercises and I believe in total saturation of the muscle.
Don't be a slave to a fixed number of sets and reps.
Don't swallow the line that there is a best exercise for this or that bodypart.
Do it your way, the way that works best for you, that brings you your best results.

I learned quickly that it is not so much the number of sets that you do, but how hard and how consistently you work in the gym. I have no idea of how many sets I do and don't bother at all to count the reps. I use a pyramid version, light weights/higher reps working up to heavy weights/low reps. Sometimes my heavy work sets are 6 reps, sometimes 8 or 9, sometimes 12. I don't count. That's not important to me. It's only important that you learn to work hard, not that you teach yourself to count reps.

The good exercises for building mass stand out clearly. Don't waste your time on isolation exercises. Sometimes I spend a whole morning or afternoon on one exercise . . . leg press . . . hack squat . . . press behind neck, etc.

I recommend presses, bench and incline presses, dumbbell bench presses, pulldowns, rows of all types, squats, leg presses, hack squats, heavy curls with a bar or dumbbells.

Just make sure you always recover, and stay motivated.

When you train, think about what you are doing.

Speed of training is argued about. Some say move the weight as fast as you can, others say move it under complete control at all times and at a slower speed. I train by the feel I get in my muscles. At times I'll train very fast, trying to explode the weights upward. Sometimes (most of the time), I train with slower, controlled tension. You should vary it according to the exercise you're doing. The ones you are safe and comfortable with can be done a bit more explosively. The ones that are more dangerous, squats for example, can work well with more of a continuous tension tempo.

I always perform a full range of motion. I know how to squeeze at the end of the motion on most exercises. If you think that's a waste of time, try it sometime, doing it really hard on a major exercise with heavy weight.

Rhythm is very important. Not a cheating, throw-the-weight-up kind of thing, but a nice pattern of body give-and-take. A little motion at the start of an exercise is natural and takes the stress off attachment points. 


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