Thursday, May 17, 2018

Still More Stuff From Paul Kelso

Okay . . . read on. 

As I said in the introduction, this book (it don't matter what book, just read on or go away) is not designed for complete beginners, but for people who have some training experience, whether five months or five decades. These courses are not designed for great champions, but just for maybe 95% of everybody who trains.

That's real refreshing to read for a change. 

I can't see you and don't know if you're a short-armed wonder, a natural physique type, a lanky, an average Joe, a "hardgainer" or what. I don't know your level of progress or if your technique is lousy or if you've got the weights on backwards. That is why I've not had much of anything to say about "progression." Whether working with a fixed weight for more reps or doing a fixed number of reps and adding weight, trying to add five pounds a week to the big lifts or inching up with half pound washers, it is ALL progression. 

The pattern you choose depends on your goal. 

For the most part, I recommend one or two warmup sets and two or more work sets. Warmups should be just that, and not so strenuous as to drain energy from the work sets. The last several reps of a work set should be gut-busters that can be accomplished without breaking form.

But no matter what scheme you pursue, sooner or later you will level out, hit a wall, get stale or just flat become bored

That is why cycling works so well. Nevertheless, I think any routine will become ineffective eventually, and a change of pace is required. 

On the other hand, I believe no routine will do much good unless it is given a fair chance to produce results, and that means sticking to it for three or four months so results may be gauged. It may take two to four cycles over the course of a year to make an accurate appraisal. But I do not believe any routine, set/rep scheme or poundage progression, or for that matter, any theory of training, should be followed exclusively year in and out.

Where is it written that training cannot be FUN?  

That is why over the years when I felt uninspired or bored, instead of a week layoff, I might just quit whatever I'd been on and devote a day to one-hand snatches, grip tricks or any movement I could think of that I hadn't tried lately. 

The resurgence of strongman and Highland Games competition suggest that a lot of people are bored with living in the gym and doing the same old stuff. 

A little variety is good for your head and maintains your interest as well as being positive for your body. 

Everybody please remember: General training to get bigger and stronger, and training specifically for and peaking toward competition of any kind are not the same things. The courses that I write, the methods etc., have all been proven IN THE GYM. 

The truth is that most people who like to train will never enter a contest. They're just gonna feel good most of their life. My hope is that more and more people will reach a point where they will compete, or if they never do, just get more satisfaction from their training, whatever their goal. 

1) 20 sets (or less) per body; not per body part. 
2) There is no one correct way to train.
3) It is useless to train for definition, shape or separation 
until you have some muscles to define, shape or separate. 
4) Showing up is the first rule for success in training or competition. 
5) What works for one may not work for another. 
6) What works for one many work "on" another.
7) Eat to gain, or don't bother to train.
8) It's not how you train, it's what you're training for.  
9) It 's not what you train with, it's how you train with it.
10) "Less is more." Stick with #1, except in special circumstances.

Kelso's Corollary: 
Anyone who thinks he knows all the answers in training
doesn't know what the questions are. 

The Book!

A tote full of new books came in at work tonight. I took a quick look at the schtuff and this one looked appealing. But I didn't get a chance to do much more than shuffle 'em around a bit to see the titles.

Some clearheaded, straightforward writing, as it always is from Robert B. Reich. And some interesting points made visible once again in the fog of ignorance and overly rewarded overt ambition. The common good. Ain't it strange how that ideal can get lost so easily!

"The Common Good" by Robert B. Reich. Published February 20 | 2018.

Man, I do like his stuff. He's great to see as a guest on the right kind of talk show. You know, Noah or Colbert. By the way, the last two weeks of Last Week Tonight had some outstanding writing. Points worth driving home, done up with a side of fine comedic writing. I wonder how many staff writers there on his staff. No matter . . . they're excellent. The Russell Crowe Gladiator Jockstrap -> Last Blockbuster Video in Alaska -> John Oliver Koala Bear Chlamydia Clinic Hospital Wing ongoing bit is something special.


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